Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Brother and Sister

I'm overjoyed to finally be able to let the two dogs take off-leash "walks" together. I waited a long time after Shyla fractured her ulna before I allowed them to romp together because they can be so wild.

I've found that Shyla loves to prop her front legs on things so that she can see further. This type of pose has never been natural for R.
As Shyla stood there serenely, surveying the meadow below her, R suddenly decided to jump the huge downed tree. As his younger sibling, Shyla wanted to follow suit but her upright position made it hard. You can see the consternation on her face.

I love seeing the two of them together, with R so clearly as the older and wiser brother.
Shyla often looks to him...
And sometimes they simply sit companionably together, although Shyla still seems to keep an eye on R.
On this afternoon, R sampled the scents wafting toward them on the westerly wind. Already, I can see that Shyla tends to focus more on me while R is more independent, constantly scanning his surroundings for scents and sights.
R can still be the goofy one, thank goodness. I love that side of him.
It's been wonderful to finally see the this Labraduo romp together. I'm enjoying watching both of them change. Shyla is gaining confidence while R is morphing from K's mischievous younger brother to Shyla's guiding older brother.


  1. They're a great pair!

  2. We all knew K was gRooming him for when she had to go to The RB -

    He took plenty of notes!

  3. They will forever be buddies.... as a brother & sister should be. Beautiful stuff right here! Thanks for sharing.


  4. They are totally gorgeous and they sure look so very happy!

  5. When Pip was younger he used to like to prop his front legs up on things, too! He can't do it anymore, which is so sad ...

    I love R's goofy side!

  6. Thanks for warming our hearts with that beautiful story of brother & sister.

    They are such a pair, as if they've always been together. And somehow, in someway unknown to us I think it's true.

    Lily Belle

    Thanks for your kind words and knowledge. Hopefully tomorrow will be a GOOD day for us!

  7. They look like best friends! Beautiful as always!

  8. I just LOVE to see them together. You have warmed up me and MOM's day.

  9. They look great together! So glad they and you are enjoying the wilderness.

  10. They seem to have formed a strong bond. That is so wonderful to see.

    Mango Momma

  11. Such fun to see this. Shyla is just what R needed and vice versa. We see the same thing between TD and Ciara, Ciara and Lightning, and Thunder and Lightning. With all his helpers we are all hoping Lightning grows up soon.

  12. Beautiful photos that reveal so much about their relationships with each other, and with you. You're a great photographer!

  13. It looks like they are becoming quite the team!
    Love that look on Shyla's face as she tries to figure out how to jump over the tree!

  14. It is so wonderful to see the two of them together. I can almost feel the joy of your outing.


  15. Such fantastic pictures of the two together.


  16. I absolutely adore this series of shots of them together! I can't come close to picking a favorite, but I hope you get one or two of them framed or printed on canvas. I love that point when two dogs become a solid team!

  17. These two are a beautiful pair, so well suited for each other and your family. It is always such a joy to see a new Pack unity form.

  18. So glad to get to enjoy them both off leash

    Stop on by for a visit

  19. The pictures of the two of them are so adorable!! What a good team they make. You must be so proud! :)

  20. They look so great together. It is nice for Shyla to have a big brother to guide her.

    Anne and Sasha

  21. What beautiful shots of the two of them together, KB!

  22. Love the shot jumping over the log! My guys would definitely have gone under!

  23. Aww, there's nothing like a brother and sissy together!

  24. I love seeing them together - I especially look forward to R photos because he reminds me so much of my Zeus - goofy too!

  25. They do look wonderful together!

    Can you tell us about the bells they're both wearing?

  26. Your pictures always make me happy! Love the labraduo. Who knew R could be so "wise"!?!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  27. they are both so beautiful
    sending our love

  28. Ok mom just told us some of your secrets. We love the pictures of you two and those special bonding moments
    Benny & Lily

  29. What joy for you and for them! I can see it in their eyes KB. I imagine you are loving the sunshine as much as I am. So glad the duo can romp together-they are the perfect pair.
    Sending smiles your way today.

  30. They are a beautiful pair! I always think dogs know when they are with others of their kind.


  31. Great pictures of the duo...R looks so proud over Shyla.
    Thanks for your answer.
    My dogs are all ok. Waiting for Tyra to get in heat. We are planning a litter...will be exciting. I have a nice guy for her :-)

  32. So happy for you and K & Shyla!!

  33. They make such a great team, so lovely :)

  34. Isn't it absolutely amazing how these changes happen....now R is the older wiser doggy and teaching sweet Shyla...such loving companionship. It must make your heart swell and overflow....lovely!


  35. Love the duet photos. Would love to watch this growth and trust.

  36. How awesome that both dogs are suited to the other. That doesn't always happen; you have the right combination of love to make it work!


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