Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 17, 2013


We had a sunrise start, as we love to do at this time of year. Before the sun crested the eastern horizon, it created a reddish alpenglow on the snowy mountains. The mountain region pictured is where Shyla and I hiked last summer and fall.
I realized today, as I played with Shyla in the forest, that I'm feeling times of peace, for the first time since K died six months ago. I still miss her daily, especially her steady, loyal, and calming companionship. But I also feel lightheartedly happy when I play with my excited and rambunctious puppy in the forest.
Shyla's personality is so very different from K's but that's good. While K was a calming influence on me in almost every situation, Shyla is still a young and evolving dog who keeps me on my toes. She surprises me almost every day with something that she does. Moreover, she's a sponge in terms of learning, and it's incredible to watch her sky-high doggy IQ at work. I started teaching her a new trick yesterday, and she's already "got it", at least in the quiet of our training room.

I wondered what Shyla was dreaming of when I saw this next photo. Romps through the snow? Camping in the spring? Hiking up high in the summer? Mountain bike adventures in the desert? We have a lifetime of adventures ahead of us.
It's wonderful that Shyla is able to run again, romping through our forests like the puppy that she is. Fortunately, since she's been able to run again, most of her destructive chewing around the house has stopped. Like me, she needs to romp every single day.
Later in our snowbike ride this morning, she peeked at me from behind the very same tree as K liked to "hide" behind on the route up to Hug Hill. I no longer feel weird about Shyla doing some of "K's tricks" in our world. However, I find myself wondering what has led her to do them. R has never done those same tricks...
And, I'm very glad that she enjoys being my photography model like K was. I played with yet another amazing lens that my friend loaned me, trying out close-ups of Shyla's whiskers. I barely know how to use this lens yet but it took some fun photos!
Shyla thought that the whisker obsession was a bit boring...
My new sweet girl... with the wide eyes of a puppy. There are no stars in her eyes, like K had, but there's a trust and sweetness that touches my heart. She's a sensitive soul who has learned to trust me. I feel honored.
This past year, with K's illness and death, was one of the most emotionally exhausting of my life. The decision to dive into a new relationship with Shyla fairly soon after K died was difficult and I questioned it at times - but I now feel certain that it was the best decision for both me and Shyla. We were meant to be together - two girls who seize the day romping in our mountains.


  1. And today there were THREE special females there!

    Thanks for sharing

  2. Another beautiful post! That lens is incredible. Shyla is so photogenic

  3. It was so ment to be- and K led you to the pup that your heart needed
    to heal.
    The close up photos are incredible!

  4. That lens gave you some incredible shots, but your model is always gorgeous! I love seeing your relationship with Shyla blossom and grow.

  5. I am so glad you are doing so well with Shyla. I know how hard it is to lose a friend and move on. It looks like Shyla is determined to make sure you move on with her. How great is that??

    Anne and Sasha

  6. There is no question in my mind that you two were meant to be and that K led you. As for what is Shyla dreaming of... well I think she is realizing her dreams lay right before her with you by her side. :)

  7. That last picture featuring Shyla's beautiful eyes is a favorite for me.

    Are you going to be getting some new lenses for your camera? Looks like a good investment to me!

    Cheers and hugs,


  8. The sense of peace has come through your writing. I'm so happy you two girls found each other!

  9. I know them questions when one dies and you dive quickly to another, I have done it a few times, but it has always worked out. And I so glad to hear that Shyla and you have worked out too. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful girl with us and your adventures.

  10. Woof! Woof! I bet Shyla is just being in the moment, grateful. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. Three girls together in their favourite places.KB, K in spirit, and Shyla, loving every new day. Another lens?? I can see more dollar signs, super photos with both the borrowed ones, is it time for some upgrades? Beautiful with the sun on the snow in the early morning, our summer seems to have gone before we experienced it, darker mornings, and 7C at 6 a.m. Yes, KB, some quieter days for me,maybe what the Dr ordered!! ( along with lots more medication). Cheers from Jean.

  12. We're so happy you decided to 'dive into the new relationship'. Shyla is beautiful and you can enjoy discovering each other.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  13. I feel almost certain that K's spirit lives on through Shyla. The closeness you feel shows in every word of your post today.

  14. K might have been giving Shyla some pointers
    Benny & Lily

  15. I'm wondering if I also saw that flock. I was walking on the trails when a flock swooped up and off. I encountered them again down the trail when they were all on tree tops. Too far for me to tell who they were but you have me thinking now.

  16. What a lovely post today, full of true feelings!

  17. We love the close-ups of your whiskers, Shyla! The fur on your muzzle looks so soft.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Absolutely beautiful pictures! Enjoyed this post so much.

  19. Ah sh*t, crying again!

    What a beautiful and heartfelt post!


  20. Yes you are really one....what lovely place you have to hike around in....Shyla is at the right place with you

  21. What a beautiful post. I am deeply touched by this.

  22. You always capture the beauty, both in photographs as well as words. As Kim above...pass me a tissue as well.

  23. Hi Y'all!

    I love the many faces of Shyla.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  24. You and Shyla are becoming a great team. I'm so glad you found each other.

    Susan and Wrigs


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