Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cats and Happy Friday

Wintertime is always a slow time for my trail cameras. This year has been particularly tough - perhaps because the drought has changed everyone's movement patterns in the forest - both human and wildlife. However, I have captured enough cat photos to keep me amused.

I love the "low view" of a mountain lion that I captured in late January.
I'm guessing that, if a person ever got this particular view of a mountain lion, they might not live to tell about it.
Less than 24 hours later, a similar looking cat showed up a few miles away at a site that is usually choked with a few feet of snow by this point in winter. What a weird year we're having. I can still ride my bike where these lions are pictured, and the cats are still hunting there. Usually, this slope is devoid of life, aside from rabbits and squirrels, at this time of year.
Then, just the other night, I captured a photo of a mountain lion quite near our house. Lions mark this spot a couple of times per year so I keep one of my oldest cams there to document their behavior. This big male left a deep scrape with his hind paws, a huge pair of furrows in the pine needle covered forest floor.
Last, but certainly not least, the bobcats have been around our area extensively. This evening, as the dogs and I finished our walk, we somehow surprised a bobcat who was on our front walk despite the loud jingling of the dogs' bells. At first, I didn't think that the bobcat was going to flee but, when he spotted the two Labs, he bounded up the driveway. Here, I captured a photo of a bobcat, perhaps the same one who we saw tonight, in a nearby forest clearing.
I'll share some more cat photos soon... And, I'm counting down the days until the bears wake up. The bears are my favorite animals in our forest, and I love the season when I can capture their photos in the forest!

In the meantime, Shyla wishes you a Happy Friday!


  1. Sweet Shyla! She just makes me smile. the cat shots are awesome.
    If you get a chance check my blog post for today--I think you will smile :) Have a great weekend.

  2. High Five indeed!!! Love the bobcat, in the daytime too. Bears and lions, well, I would be happy not to go anywhere near their tracks. Greetings from Jean

  3. Happy Friday to you too, except that it's halfway through Saturday here! Those mountain lions look huge - how heavy do you think they are?


  4. Holy crow that first Catamount pic is awesome!!

    Very nice, KB!

  5. Yes I agree if you where having the view of that cat in the first photos I am sure you would not be telling the tail. WOW! Shyla Shyla. That photo of you I am going to mark as one of my favorites. The paw, the sparkle in your eyes and that little bit of tongue. LOVE IT!

  6. Shyla does always leave us with a grin too. Love the cat pictures you caught. You live in a very wild area. You are very lucky. of course it was your life choices that put you there, so I guess we are the lucky ones, because you share your adventures with us.


  7. happy Friday to you as well.

    We love the pictures of the cats.

    XXXOOO Daisy Bella & Roxy

  8. I love the photos of the cats. Shyla wishing me a happy Friday really made me happy. Thanks and Happy Friday to you.

    Anne and Sasha

  9. Waving right back at you, Shyla!

    Happy weekend to you, your Mom, your brother R and the Runner!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  10. Great pictures. THe lion is really big. Be careful when you hike in that area. Shyla looks qute..

  11. Hi Shyla! We hope you have a wonderful Saturday!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Right back at ya, Shyla! :)

    I also get a big kick out of your bear photos, but I love your cat pictures most of all. The ones today where you can see the plush folds in the fur on the lion's head just take my breath away!

  13. High five, Shyla!

    Those cat photos are amazing! I just can't imagine having them so close to your home - so amazing!

  14. Great wild Kitty photos (as always). And especially loved Shyla's "high five' to us all!

  15. I'm excited for bear season, too, but the cats are certainly entertaining! *waves back at Shyla*

  16. Your trailcam photos of the wildlife in your area are SO beautiful! The cats look quite healthy, too -- I trust this means they've had plenty of rabbits and squirrels and whatnot to eat this winter? I love the lions, but the bobcat's face, framed by that fur ruff, is just stunning. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful wilderness with us!

    And a high five back atcha, Shyla! :)

  17. Hi Shyla!! We hope you're having a fun weekend!

  18. Hi Y'all!

    Hope y'all are having a great weekend! Wave to you too, Shyla!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  19. High five back at ya Shyla, but why are you sticking your tongue out at us? Being a bit of a smarty-pants, eh?!

  20. Love those trail cam captures! That Shyla wave is about the cutest thing ever. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  21. Great pics of the mountain lion.

  22. Murray was super impressed with those mountain lion photos!

    He can't wait for the bear photos though! Bears make him really excited!

    We're looking forward to it!

    take care
    Clive & Co


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