Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Black and White Sunday

 May neither you nor your dogs ever see this sight!


  1. Bawahahhaha. OK I'm laughing, MOM is not. I know this critter well. MOM says tooooo well. In my life time I have kissed 9 of them. 6 in just one year. Can't help myself, they smell so sweet. hehhehe MOM says she bets that Shyla and R keep their distance. Great Black and White.

  2. That is one critter I hope my pack never meet - with their thick coats it would almost be as bad as Phantom's adventure last week:(

    Great B & W.

  3. Oh dear!!! One of our dogs got in a tangle with one of them....she was a rottweiler mix...she was sprayed in the face! The poor dog came racing into the house and freaking out!! The house smelled for about a year. That is something I will never forget. It IS a great picture!

  4. You had me worried there! Ha ha.
    Hope you are resting up...

    The pictures below are beautiful. Shyla has the most beautiful coat ever.

  5. Wow, you have those ?? Great capture....

  6. That last photo looks a bit dangerous....hope it wasn't frightened.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  7. YIKES! We've never been sprayed and hopefully we never will be!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  8. LOL, while out walking the girlz this a.m. I thought to myself we haven't had a skunk encounter for nearly a year....now, I suppose I have just jinxed myself.
    We have "captured" a couple of these smelly cats on our trail cam though. That's as close as I desire to get.

  9. Perfect B&W picture today! Knock wood we have never had a close encounter with one of those.


  10. BOL, black and white of a black and white
    Benny & Lily

  11. BOL! Perfect b&w Sunday post. Skunks really are so pretty...

  12. I am so glad we do not see them here in NZ, at least as far as I know. We have Ferrets, not quite the same, and the smell is not as strong .Cheers from Jean.

  13. yikes- my mommy got sprayed- and its not fun. But you caught a great photo of mr stinky!

  14. We have been SO lucky. There are tons of them around and so far we have escaped. What great photographs!

  15. Woof! Woof! Oh MY!!! I have not seen that "thing" for many many months. Hope it stop snowing and you are feeling better. Happy Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  16. Another priceless picture. My Vickie is laughing at the second one. She says that is a butt I should never "Check Out"


  17. I'm running the other direction right now!

  18. Ha ha ha! Our boy Bill probably still has nightmares about something similar to that last picture. He was sprayed in the face/mouth. Poor guy, I am sure he was trying to sniff it like he does the cats. I still remember the looks Callie gave him on the walk home that morning!

  19. Too late... my dogs have seen that sight! :-(

  20. Black and White Sunday made me smile...thanks!

  21. Stinky, stinky, stinky! Mommy said if we ever see one of those to run the other way. She's heard lots of horror stories about them.

    He is kinda cute looking tho.....

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  22. HA! Hilarious choice for BW Sunday :) Good thing only the trail camera saw him that close up! They are such pretty critters...from far, far away!

  23. They are so naturally... artistic! Very cool shots!

  24. We had a close encounter last year when a family moved under our front step . . . we hope that is as close as we get.

    Have a great day.

  25. I think they are fun to see with a good telephoto lens. :) Rode past one who'd experienced a melee with a moving vehicle just a week ago. For that one, clothespin on nose required.

  26. i agree
    not a good sight to see
    yet fun through your photographs

  27. We had one experience with Pepe LePew and that was with a small dog. But my, that stench hung on forever. We bathed him in everything tomato juice, vinegar, soda, anything anyone told us, we tried. Eventually it went away!


  28. Happy black and white sunday to you, I love viewing your shots!
    Garmin Astro

  29. That's very funny--perfect subject for a black and white post!

    Susan and Wrigs

  30. *ha-ha*

    We had a skunk visit our backyard every single evening around the same time....7pm. It was several years ago, during the summer time. I named her "Sweet Petunia Rose". She would come with the raccoons, about the same time, and they would all head for the goodies found at the base of the bird feeder. Everybody got along harmoniously, with healthy respect between all. Then, one day, Sweet Petunia Rose never returned. I watched & watched but we never saw her again. I chose to think she moved along to greener pastures, rather than thinking something happened to her.

    I don't believe anything bad ever happens to skunks that are named Sweet Petunia Rose!




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