Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Shyla wore her St. Patty's Day bandana for our morning snowbike ride. It's been warm and sunny over the past week so there was even some green on the ground today!
Green moss and lichens also emerged from under the melting snow.
The weather was wildly unpredictable while we were on the trails this morning. After a sunny start, the snow started to fall. Shyla barked because she is Irish!
The snow stopped when we were on Hug Hill, and Shyla barked again because she is Irish!
Since "finding her voice", I've taught her to bark on command (she learned it in about 10 minutes - her doggy IQ is sky-high). She loves it! A great advantage to having her know the word "bark" is that it makes it easier to teach the word "quiet". Because I can ask her to bark whenever I want to, I can teach her that "quiet" means to stop barking. Very convenient!
R celebrated St. Patty's Day by taking his post-run snooze with his head on a green pillow. He looks angelic when he sleeps.
I hope that you all had a great day!


  1. Arrrrroooohhhh! (That's me barking along with Shyla).

  2. Woof! Woof! Sending you Lots of BARKs n Woofs. LOVE the 3rd photo. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Shyla, we love your bandana and that you're learning to "speak"! Mom wants to give R a kiss. Yuck!! Labralips!!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

    BTW, I did get a tether for Otto. It's sort of a last resort when he can't find his off switch, and it's been a lifesaver. We have him set up in the livingroom when we're all hanging out in the evening. He's on his bed with a couple of chew toys and in very short order he's snoozing away. Then he gets off his tether! Thanks for suggesting this wonderful tool.

  4. Happy St Pattys Day to you Shyla!
    Mommy wishes you had a secret to make me STOP barking at peoples.
    Ok now you know one of my bad habits.

  5. I love that besides being smart and beautiful, Shyla has a lot to say.

    Our walks usually begin at the library, and the girls who work there are a chatty bunch, so maybe I stay in there too long, and when I come out Stella has quite a few words to bark to me. Too long inside! Lets go! Want to walk not talk! How does it take so long to return a couple of books! Once we are moving, she shuts down.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. Wow...where did all your snow go? There was tons of it!

    We can hear you singing all the way to my house! :)

    Hap-Pee St. Paddy's Day!

  7. Shyla looks very festive in her green bandana. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all.

  8. I'm barking right with you sweet Shyla! Can you hear me? MOM says the whole world can hear me. Bawahhahha

  9. Shyla looks so happy to be letting the world know she is Irish! I also want to give R a smooch on those cute lips and nose.


  10. Please, I beg you, come and teach Kuster how to speak on command and be quiet! Gah! As smart as he is, that eludes him! Shyla, you are too adorable for words!

  11. That's a great way to teach quiet. Shyla looks like she's howling!

    XXXOOO Daisy,Bella & Roxy

  12. You look beautiful in your green, Shyla! Happy St Patrick's Day!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. i would love to hear Shyla's voice! what a goof and a very smart girl!

  14. I've never tried to teach a dog the bark command. Our boys know "quiet" and "indoor voice". Quiet means to stop it, and "indoor voice" is you can still make noise, just not loud. Sam had the trick down before Monty came along and Monty picked it up from Sam.


  15. I love Shyla's bandana! I was barking all day yesterday, but now I know it's because I'm Irish!

  16. KB these are beautiful pics as always. Just wanted to say I am praying very hard for your results to be negative for cancer. I haven't been checking my blogs as frequently as I'd like. I am finally back to work after almost 3 months and 9 weeks in my cast after my ankle break on Christmas day (was it that long ago? Time has been meaningless to me!). I still have a long way to go but I am slowly healing from the inside out. I can manuver in a walking boot and will hopefully start some PT soon.

    Wishing you peace today :):)

    xxooo - Diane

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  18. Shyla is a fine Irish dog! Good idea about the "bark" then "quiet":-)

    P.S. Notice the comment from Anonymous before mine-I got spammed like that all too frequently and just changed my settings to exclude anonymous comments...That seems to have worked.

  19. Happy St Patty's Day to you, too Shyla!!!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  20. Gosh, Shyla had me giggling throughout this post! She does indeed look fabulous in green!

  21. :-) great picture of Shyla as irish ha ha h...she is lovely

  22. Hi - just catching up after a few days off. First, our thoughts and prayers are with you as you await your test results.

    As for Shyla barking on cue - she looks quite pleased with herself! I can imagine that I hear the confidence in her voice. Love the bandana too.

  23. Great photos and fantastic luck getting to see and photograph that amazing bobcat. Sunset photo too! Thinking of you and hoping for good news for you today with the tests.

  24. The barking pictures slay me. I'm so sorry, though, to hear about the test results glitch. Very frustrating.


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