Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our bobcats and a dog's eyes

Shyla and I headed out for some great snowbiking this morning on fast trails with a few inches of new snow on them. We headed up to Hug Hill where it was breezy. Shyla decided to take off and fly!
And, when that didn't work. she made a beautiful flowing sculpture with her right ear.
During our ride, we visited a trail camera that I haven't been able to check since the big storms. I was excited to see that the mother bobcat and her kitten are still together.

First the mother entered the clearing.
She sniffed around a bit and then I believe that she called her kitten. Look at her wide open mouth. I would love to hear a cat call someday...
 She stood tall as she looked for her kitten.
The mother bobcat reversed direction and walked out of the clearing to the left.

Very soon thereafter, the kitten entered the clearing from the right (the direction toward which mom had been calling and looking). The kitten sniffed around where mom had been, and then followed in his mom's tracks.
I was thrilled to see that the two are still together (this is the latest that I've ever captured photos of a mother-kitten pair together). However, my guess is that the kitten will need to strike out on his own soon, searching for his own territory when bobcat mating season gets underway.

At the end of our snowbike ride, I took a couple of fun photos of Shyla's eyes. I love this one because it reflects my image, right in the middle of her beautiful eye.
I find dogs' eyes to be so very revealing, truly like windows into their souls.
I'm so glad that I've earned the honor of having Shyla look at me like that.


  1. Ah yes, the look of 'you are my world - and I am yours'

    Great great pictures!

    Of course, Khyra wants more bobkhats!

  2. The look says everything loving and beautiful and trusting.

  3. Oh, I love the soulful look she is giving you in that last picture.

  4. She really loves you with those eyes.

  5. That last picture is a stunner!

  6. Woof! Woof! It felt great having that breeze ... good thing you caught that. Shyla's eyes seems to be yellowish orange ... how COOL. My mom's camera get fuzzy when taking that close (she's practicing as eye seems to be the hardest to take photographs). Another great day for you guys. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  7. WOW! That second to last photo is to die for

  8. So cool to see the bobcat!

    P.S. If you are interested, please stop by our blog for a chance to win some free autographed books!


  9. I love your photos of Shyla doing her "Flying Nun" imitation. And from her eyes, you can definitely see that she adores you completely.

  10. That was fun to see the momma and kitten still together. And I guess that is as close to seeing you in the flesh as we are gonna get this week. great photo of the eye.

  11. I am totally in love with both of those eye pictures, and I feel the same way about them that you do. There's just something so special and revealing about them!

    I was going to ask how long the bobcat kittens usually stay with their mothers. It's been fun to watch them together!

  12. Those bob cats are so interesting. Great pictures.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  13. The eyes have it! Windows into Shyla's soul yes, and telescopes into yours.

  14. Those eyes tell some stories....cool bobcat. It looks like it had unusual markings on the tail
    Benny & Lily

  15. I do really love your tantalizing eyes! You look more fabulous today!
    Dog Supplies

  16. Such gorgeous soulful eyes, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  17. Your last sentence was spot on and beautifully said.

    Every time we come here, I fall in love more and more with Shyla...she has such a sweet soul.


  18. I know the feeling of looking into my Neeli's eyes - love the picture of Shyla.

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  19. Great captures of Mama and kitten!

  20. WOW! That shot of you in Shyla's eye is amazing! That's quite a lens you have! I've tried to capture that image before, but my lenses can't do it!

  21. Whoa! That last picture is wonderful. The colours, the eyes ....you can just feel Shyla`s love.

  22. I always wonder what dogs are thinking when they look at us with such intensity. Beautiful photos!

  23. I swear you have the FLUFFIEST bobcats! Maybe I just haven't seen one in NY...ever, so I have nothing to compare to. But the coat on that cat is awesome. I'd love to give it a squeeze.

  24. I'm so jealous of your Bobcat pics.

  25. Great wild camera pictures....Shylas eye is great with you in it

  26. Hi Y'all!

    Love those pictures of Shyla's eyes...why a fellow could fall in love!

    My Humans think I have beautiful eyes too. My Human watches my eyes to figure out what I'm about to do...and my ears...she says that that is how she reads the horses...ears and eyes.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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