Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 21, 2013


There are winter storms moving our way, leading with a bank of clouds. Fortunately, it looks as if I've dodged a storm myself.
The hospital computers are still kaput, believe it or not. However, my thyroid doctor eked some information directly from the pathologist. Based on a "probably benign" diagnosis, my doc thinks that we'll be able to take a "wait and watch" approach to my thyroid nodules.

On the less happy side, the docs think that my sarcoidosis is indeed on the move again, but it's probably not what is hurting my thyroid (it's hurting my nerves to my hands instead). I didn't expect this disease to be such a problem but there's still a chance that it will go into remission and stay there. I'm researching alternative means to slow it down (besides the standard steroids).

I am thankful about my thyroid and so is Shyla! She was a star during socialization training today, again. We are on a good streak.
In other news, Shyla has developed a talent for finding dead things in our forest. We've had 3 instances in the past week - a dead squirrel, a deer ribcage, and a deer leg. For the first two, I tried every trick in the book to get her to drop her treasures, to no avail. I even threw a handful of treats next to her, hoping that she'd drop the dead animal part to pick up the treats. No way - my treats cannot compete with a real dead animal.

So, today, I tried a new strategy when she found a deer leg. I ran away until I was out of sight. Then, I lay down on the ground, unmoving, as if I was injured. I could hear her bell, as she tried to decide whether to look for me or enjoy the deer leg. She finally became concerned about me, and, to her immense credit, she dropped the deer leg to run over and check on me. My trick worked (but I continued the act after she arrived so that it might work again if I need it to)! Now, we have some training work to do because it's obviously not a problem that is going away by itself. She usually follows her "out" command with enthusiasm (i.e., drop whatever you're holding) so now we need to practice with highly valued objects... like deer legs.

In contrast to his mischievous sister, R has become the wise and stable rock in our pack (K taught him well). He is so sweet and deeply attached to us humans. He's generally calmed down a notch from his days of Mango Minster Cracker Dog exploits, except for the insane 15 minutes before his morning run with the Runner. He'd make all Cracker Dogs proud with his exuberant antics and loud howling.
I adore this boy. He has a heart of gold.


  1. R is so handsome! Good news (I think) about your thyroid! Love that first picture, so incredible.

  2. Have you ever looked into the positive effects of hemp oil? Many different benefits...might be worth a look. Some of it is illegal, but known to cure more ailments...

  3. Those are amazing photos!!! Love them. Hope you get things figured out for your thyroid!

  4. I suspect that I am not alone in wishing there was video footage of your trick on Shyla. I think you need a helmet cam to take this blog to the next level! ;) I am giggling now because it wasn't me.

    I'm so relieved to hear that you got some good news in regards to your thyroid today! One less thing to worry about! :)

    Kuster says he'd love to come over and bring out the cracker in R!

  5. "Drop it"?? What's that?? I had my first bully stick the other day. Certainly not a deer leg, but I wasn't giving that thing up for nothin'!! The lady here called the bully stick Otto-valium when I was done with it...whatever that means.

    Love and happiness about your good health news,


  6. If Stella were to find a deer leg and I pulled your trick, she would come and find me just as soon as she polished off the leg!. Shyla is just a wonder, what joys you are having and going to have with this girl.

    R. looks totally dignified, like he works in a bank or something. Can't we do something to help him get his crackerness back?

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat
    P.S.Our header has been up ALL winter long! I took the pics and Ann Adamus did the work!

  7. She could have dropped the deer leg ON you...BOL!

    Glad you've got some good news from the doctor's hope you can continue.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. Dropped a deer bone to help! Great training and smart girl.
    Benny & Lily

  9. We are glad that the thyroid results seemingly indicate no panic is necessary. We continue to send White Dog healing energy that the pain in your hands passes or at least becomes manageable without steroids.

    Our Puff is a finder and hoarder of dead things in our family. She won't release but thankfully is small enough to wrestle most road or cat kill from her mouth (she doesn't try to bite just clings to her treasure with the jaws of death).

  10. We are still praying for the best possible results for you KB. I have never been a dead animal kind of dog. Oh it is interesting, but... However, by gal pal Belle, she can find a dead animal or bone a hundred miles away. Her specialty are deer. I can't even count how many deer legs, ribs, antlers she has found when we go hiking and backpacking. I suspect that R will always have a little cracker in him. But it is very cool to see him become the stead dog he has become.

  11. I'm happy about your thyroid but am sorry about the sarcoidosis. I am glad you have Shyla and R. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

  12. Good news KB. We hope your health continues to improve or stabilise. Our two love horse poo and duck poo and it takes a lot of work to make them leave it. Love the idea of you lying down to see what would happen. I'd like to try that one with Rory but I think he might squash me hehe. Take care. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory) P.S. The photo of R is magnificant!

  13. That photo of R is simply stunning.

    All fingers and paws crossed on the health issues.

  14. Great news about the thyroid.

    Part of me can't blame Shyla for not wanting to give up her "dead" treats . . . . it is hard to compete with that. I am glad you found something that may work.

    Have a great day.

  15. Glad you received pretty good news from the doctor.

  16. I just have to agree with Stella's mom Jo. If mine got ANY part of a deer, I think I would be a long time waiting for them to rescue me:)

    So good to hear the good news on the thyroid, and now to work on that remission.

  17. We're s very thankful to hear the 'hopeful' news from your Doctor. We still are going to continue sending our best prayers your way.

    All those yummy dead animal parts in the forest, hum..... Not too sure which way I'd go either. Glad that you found a way to get Shyla away from them all.

    Nice to see you again R!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  18. That's wonderful news about your thyroid! I just love this picture of R - you can truly see his heart and spirit in his eyes. I think it is my favorite of all time!

  19. We're sorry to read about the sarcoidosis problem, and hope that your thyroid problems can be handled "the wait & see" approach.

    Wow, I couldn't imagine if my pup Elle found a deer leg - she'd probably never give it up!

    Wishing you a peaceful day,
    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  20. Hi Y'all!

    R, you have the most expressive face! It shows your maturity.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    P.S. Y'all are still in my Human's prayers.

  21. Yes, R is a handsome and loveful guy I think....you can see that on his look.
    Shyla is doing great and I like your way to train her.
    We got a lot of snow, Vilja and Trym is out playing in the fluffy snow. Pictures will come.
    And we have cold too.

  22. A whole deer leg?! I understand your disappointment but also can see where Shyla is coming from on that one. Similar to the time that our blind Hiker caught a young rabbit and would not give that up for nothing!

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  24. I think the shot of R needs to go on next years calendar...he is so handsome and his eyes tell such a story.
    glad you got some good news concerning your health.

  25. You are such a good trainer!! A smart trainer!! Your pictures of both Shyla and R are awesome! I am glad that you have mostly good news.
    xo Jeanne

  26. I am pretty sure Piper would have come to find me, but still carrying the deer leg. She's a multi-tasker ;)
    Very glad your doc managed to get some info directly, instead of more waiting on your part. And very, very glad it's a "watch and wait" decision!

  27. We will never ever stop sending healing thoughts your way.
    We send you some love today.

  28. R. is very handsome. Great photo.

    Merlin gets to occasionally carry around a dead squirrel or some other disgusting animal part as long as he doesn't start trying to eat it. He is allowed to find a good spot to bury the disgusting object and will on occasion go back to dig it up. He knows that if he starts chewing the dead thing will be taken away.

  29. I'm just catching up on your news and so happy to see your biopsy came back as probably benign! I sure wish you would get a break and not have to constantly deal with multiple health challenges.

    Good luck with the "leave the dead thing" training. There aren't many goodies that can compete with things like deer legs. ;-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  30. Such good news about your thyroid!! I'd hoop & holler if it wasn't 2:45am & everybody else in the household is sleeping!! *lol* But I'm doing it "on the inside", my friend. Yahoooo!!!!

    Good days for all of you!!


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