Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Wildlife and Sunshine!

Interesting traffic past our house...

And some sunshine, finally...


  1. I love the last one, and the first of Shlya!

  2. Wow, if he had just moved a few feet to the right, he would have filled the camera lens totally!! Beautiful sky, mountains and colours. Shyla does love that snow, a true mountain girl, greetings from Jean

  3. you have such interesting neighbours! That coyote looks like he was posing for the camera.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. Bears and coyotes and sunshine. And lovely Shyla. Doesn't get much better than that. What a beautiful sky!

  5. Bet you are grateful for the sunshine and it looks so beautiful in Shyla's eyes. That is one big bear butt! And very cool.

  6. Oh, my goodness, that's a big bear! And so close to your house -- I don't blame you for being so careful with your dogs, for their own safety. He (she?) certainly looks very healthy, though, which is lovely to see. Bears are such awesome animals!

    I also noticed your agility course under the snow. Will you be doing agility work with Shyla come spring? I'll bet she would love it as much as she loves all her other training. I wish I lived close enough to you to see Shyla doing her training with you! She is such a beautiful girl.

  7. Oh gosh what a big fat bear! And beautiful coyote!
    Of course Shyla is gorgeous- just like the beautiful sky.

  8. Bears and coyotes and Shyla! Oh MY!!!

  9. OK. now I see why your dogs have to be on a leash when you first go out the door and until you have had a chance to look around.

    What a great life....

  10. Shyla's eyes just light up every picture she's in!

    You have much more interesting traffic by your house than we do!

  11. Holy cow! The first picture of the bear startled me.

  12. What a big hunky bear that is! What a cute coyote there! What a gorgeous puppy ! I vote for number three as my choice for a neighbor.

    Cheers and hugs,


  13. Ups, what a big bear around your house....great capture from the camera.
    Love the last Picture....would have it like a poster on the wall

  14. We just love the snow on your whiskers, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  15. We think Rottrover said it best.

  16. Wow, that's some bear walking thru your yard. Very impressive!

    And we can never get enough Shyla pictures. She looks so cute with all that snow on her face.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  17. Gorgeous shots! Glad to see that sunshine is returning!

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & ELle

  18. I suddenly feel much thinner ;)

  19. Bear and coyote! Double the fun! Love the photos. We saw our first bears about a week ago. They were on the opposite side of the canyon, so I didn't get a very clear look, but I believe it was a sow with a yearling (looked too large to be this year's cub). We've seen more tracks, too. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  20. What a contrast between the meaty bear and the skinny-legged coyote! Love the portraits of Shyla, and what a great sunset.

  21. Interesting neighbors you have there! I suppose there would be quite the size difference in the bear to coyote to Shyla's paw print. Can you estimate the size of the bear?


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