Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 15, 2013

April Snow Brings May Flowers

By yesterday afternoon, the 4-6" of fresh snow was melting in the April sun. Tiny plants were poking through the meadow's snow. I cannot remember the name of this plant but I do know that it's a neat case of mutualism - the yellow is not pollen or blossoms but is a fungus that lives on the leaves of the plant and attracts pollinators to the plant.
The snow was also melting from the aspen branches and buds.
So, yesterday, within hours of waking up to a snowy world, it felt like spring again.

Then, the world turned wintery again by this morning. The promised snowstorm, that is supposed to stay around through Thursday, had arrived. Shyla sat in a "stay" while I readied my snowbike.
It was snowing so hard that our tracks filled in as fast as we made them.
Shyla's enthusiasm was contagious even though it was very hard to get any action photos of her in the near-whiteout conditions.

The storm is turning out to be bigger than predicted because it has stalled over top of us. It has snowed hard all day long, with at least a foot and probably more, covering our world. Perhaps you can see the snow-covered world (and me) reflected in Shyla's eye.
At the end of our snowbike ride, I could barely pedal anymore because the snow had grown so deep. Yet, Shyla looked very sad that we were heading indoors. Her eyes seemed to say "Do we really have to go inside? Can't we play more?"!
We are snuggled next to a fire but it's almost time for our evening snowshoe hike, all four of us together. Shyla and R are happy about that!

Last year, our wildflowers were anemic, primarily due to a lack of spring snow. So, as I watch the snow hurtling out of the sky, I think of our meadow filled with flowers, nourished by the moisture in this snow. Let it snow!


  1. Melting snow will surely benefit all growing plants and greenery alike.Super photos of snow covered Shyla. Your macro shots, wonderful, she sits very still, so gracefully, Cheers from Jean

  2. Those last two photos are to DIE for!

  3. Shyla looks like she is saying, Mom, look at the snow on my face. The fungus on the plant actually looks pretty
    Benny & Lily

  4. Sweet Shyla, still wanting more activity. What a change from the timid little girl when she first arrived. A Snowshoe hike in that beautiful stuff seems like a perfect way to end the day.

  5. Maybe witch's butter?

  6. You are certainly making the most of a spring snowstorm - good for you for not getting down about it! Enjoy!

  7. Agreeing with Nola, those last two pictures are just perfection itself.

    The eye picture rivals anything like it I have seen, and the one that wanted to play more is sweet.

    I am also really happy you like all the snow and wish I could figure out a way to send you ours!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. The weather this year is crazy!

    I don't know if you do photo Christmas cards, but that second picture of Shyla would make a great one!

  9. I love the photos of the melting snow and ice. Here's hoping the area gets all the snow needed for a lovely spring.

  10. The last 2 photos are incredible. Be safe in all that snow. It is beautiful.

    Anne and Sasha

  11. We have snow again too. Oh how wonderful the mountains and meadows are going to look in May.

  12. I think your flower is called Rockcress from the mustard family. I love the photo you caught with the flower breaking through the clear ice.

    I have never seen one of those flowers in nature. Just in a few books. Mostly colorado flower books. I wonder if they are unique to your ares. And I wonder if they are alpine flowers. What elevation are you at.

    Boy I talk a lot when I get the chance.


  13. There is something kind of magical and more beautiful about a spring snowstorm, don't you think?

  14. We love the action shot!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  15. Such beautiful pictures! Your May flowers will be gorgeous with all of the moisture they're getting!

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  16. Howdy Everybuddy, your photos are so wonderful. The snow is just amazing and even more so with Shyla running through it. Thanks for sharing mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  17. Woof! Woof! At least Shyla enjoyed the April SNOW Showers. saw in the news that it might snow again this weekend. Lots of Golden Woos, Sugar

  18. I have a feeling you get more exercise in a day than most people get in a whole month!

  19. How you manage to get such incredible shots, like the eye one is beyond me. Amazing photos, every single one of them.

  20. Incredibly beautiful photos.

  21. That eye shot of Shyla is amazing (as are the other photos)! Great photography, KB!

    Susan and Wrigs

  22. I just knew you'd do amazing things with the macro you are using. You'll be hooked in no time!

    It's been hard watching the spring blossoms get buried again and again and again this year, but when I think about last year's devastation, I am so grateful for the moisture.

  23. How wonderful to read your posts and I Luv your amazing photo's. Keep them coming.

  24. What a wonderful looking storm! What fun!

  25. Wow look at those photos!!! That really is impressive. Just found my way here, so now I'll sit down and read some more. Gorgeous dog!!

  26. Oh what a lot of snow you have got....we have spring coming now...its warm Days now.
    Great Pictures of Shyla

  27. Gorgeous photos...I really found the one with the fungus very interesting. And Shyla clearly LOVES her snow runs. Fun!!

  28. Mmmmm ~~~ can't wait to see the flowers and your meadow!!!!!!


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