Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2: Winter Wonderland


  1. Winter Wonderland, indeed! We are kind of hoping one of these days to see LOTS of photos of flowers in bloom and green valleys...before NEXT winter begins! Glad you and Shyla are both still enjoying the white stuff.

  2. Wow - that is lots of snow while we're enjoying sunshine and warmth. When are you expecting spring?

  3. hmmm, Spwing Skiing????
    we went fwom snow thwee weeks ago to 80 degwee tems and evewything gween and flowewing wif nothing in between
    smoochie kisses and happy Womping

  4. Wow! I can't believe the snow you have, in May! Are the dogs enjoying it?

    I hope you have plenty of sunshine to melt it all away!

  5. I hope all this spring snow will help replenish the watershed. I'm sure all the trees and critters would like a less dry summer than you had last year.

  6. Very pretty, but I'm sure you must be thinking Mother Nature needs to let it go :-)

  7. This may be the year Colorado doesn't have to worry overmuch about the reservoirs? Here's hoping!

  8. Gorgeous pictures! Shyla is clearly lovin' it.

  9. Wow, snow in May!

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  10. Woof! Woof! unbelievable May weather you guys are having. Our friends just informed us that it's all melted and enjoying a sunny day. Happy Friday n Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. Oh my goodness all the white stuff again! Looks beautiful
    Benny & Lily

  12. There is no such thing as a bad day when Shyla is in the picture. Thanks for my grin, ear to ear!

  13. Gosh, it's such a shame that Shyla doesn't enjoy the snow! Hehehe!

  14. Are these old pictures, or are you STILL getting SNOW???!!! Unbelievable.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  15. Who would ever believe that this is May 2nd! We love the picture of you shaking the snow off your furs the best, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  16. Guess what, Shyla! I kissed a chocolate lab yesterday! I was thinking about you when I did it!


  17. Uh, well, uh, its really pretty there! Blue skies and white snow, and happy dogs. Shyla looks like she wouldn't mind keeping it. How is it mushing through it on your Bike!

    We are almost snow free now! Its was 48 degrees today but verra windy!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  18. Somehow your snowy world always looks a lot better than ours. We got a couple of inches of very wet snow overnight, but then the rain took most of it away. And of course, it left us with a very wet yard and spots of MUD!!! Oh well, maybe we will see a return to Spring in a few days.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  19. Wait, what?!?! Holy moly, isn't it May? I love the look of snow but I'm kind of all about the flowers at this point. Glad you can find the beauty in it still. (And of course, the dogs don't care about snow in May. :)


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