Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Mischief

I'll start with the non-mischievous part of our day.

Storms are gathering on the horizon again, with either a deluge of rain or a truckload of snow coming our way. We will be close to the rain-snow line so we don't know what to expect. Our Pasqueflowers, the most flashy of our early spring flowers, have just emerged from under the snow of the last storm, and most of them survived.
Due to the approaching storms, the skies were cloudy and ominous at sunrise this morning. Shyla was playing with her favorite rope toy and struck a nice pose on a boulder with the clouds swirling in the background.
Last year at this time, our aspen trees had new green leaves. Not this year.
Shyla was not slowed by the clouds. She had fun!
When we arrived back home, I tried to make a video of me teaching Shyla her latest trick. I'm teaching her to wave with either her left or right paw, depending on which one I ask for. However, I discovered that she was very suspicious of a camera on a tripod pointed at her (that's why she looks unhappy in the video). Moreover, she was super distracted by a scent in the forest near our house.

Thus, our mischievous moment was captured on a very short video! You can watch it here or at Youtube. In case you can't hear me speak in the video, I had just said "sit" before she was mischievous.


  1. Hey- we got clouds here too. :) I like that picture of her silhouette!

  2. Love the picture of her jumping!

  3. Lol, love the video of her jumping out of the picture!!! It was almost like you could read her mind!

  4. Great silhouette photo. Yep she was out of there. Nice leap Shyla. If that is the extent of your mischief then there is not much your mom can complain about. Your such a beautiful girl.

  5. Now, why would Shyla not want to leap right out of the photo. Super pics.love the silhouette.Greetings from Jean.

  6. Ah ha!!! I knew you weren't perfect. Now thats my kinda girl. Keep em guessing Shyla


  7. Hey Shyla you just never know about those video cameras. I would be concerned about them too. You do look very nice in silhouette.


  8. Beautiful photos! Shyla is a beauty, as well.

  9. That is so funny!! Outta there!!

    LOVE that picture of Shyla...awesome! Beautiful flower picture too!

  10. haha - you are too funny, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. A good smell in the woods trumps a Sit any day :-)

  12. Ah, the best laid plans....

    We watched the video a few times bcuz Shyla was cracking us up. We even gave her a few woof's!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  13. Waving, wow that would be a great trick!!

    I think I might be a little suspicious of a camera on a tripod, too.

    Love, love the silhouette shot!!

    Your pal, Pip

  14. BOL you escaped training alright. That leap got you outta there
    Benny & Lily

  15. LOL - that must have been one very great scent!!!

    Not at all surprised at the hesitation with the tripod - Lightning would have been so outta there so quickly you wouldn't even have had a chance to say sit:)

  16. Ha! Piper knows that special version of Sit also, but sometimes confuses it with Stay!

  17. Woof! Woof! Beautiful flower. Yes, our backyard is just blooming here. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  18. Ooops Shyla, we all have our moments, when we can't resist the urge to just take and run.

    Anne and Sasha

  19. I know what you mean about being wary of the camera pointing straight at Shyla. Sophie sometimes won't give me the time of day if I point the camera at her. I so love capturing candids and that is why I surprise attack her and snap away from all angles.

  20. I have the opposite problem. When I set the camera up on the tripod, Dexter starts throwing everything he has at me. What a ham. Guess something in the woods was more interesting than you.

    Mango Momma

  21. we are here and enjoying every minute you share with us,

  22. Shyla is so cute! I love her mischievous side. The dark sunrise photos are just beautiful. We've had some unsettled weather the last few days, too. It rained briefly last night (desperately needed).

    Susan and Wrigs

  23. LOL! I'm glad to see she misbehaves in a good way.


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