Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Colorful AND Black/white Sunday!

Our world is so colorful right now, for a brief period of glory, that I cannot bear to make most of my photos black and white.
It's a special time of year, and Shyla is seeing and smelling it for the first time!
The Columbines are opening, reaching for the sky. This was taken with my point-and-shoot, but I'll have a macro lens soon for my favorite camera. I am excited take photos of the incredible Columbines with it!
And, the stars are still spinning around Polaris, oblivious to the small Earth below them. This photo could be black and white to fit "Black and White Sunday"!
I'm still working on the best technique for these star photos... so you'll be seeing these photos evolve over time! A friend has loaned me a very wide angle lens that is perfect for these photos. I am determined to figure out how make beautiful star trail photos!


  1. Shyla is the absolutely perfect addition to all that beauty in your world. Love her against all the yellow flowers.

  2. Oh the wonder of spring and the happy Shyla taking it all in. Love it.

  3. Your star pic's are amazing! We can't imagine them getting any better at all.

    Run Shyla Run! You are so happy running in your forest.

    Happy Father's Day to the Runner.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  4. Don't blame you for not wanting to make those spring flowers black and white. After a long winter, we need the colour!

  5. The colors are incredible!

    Anne and Sasha

  6. We love that star photo!

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

  7. The yellow flowers are awesome. Looking forward to more of your star pics.

  8. I think your star/sky photos are awesome!
    And Shyla - unbridled energy, isn't she? Love it!

  9. Love the star photo, and with beautiful colors like that all around you, you are perfectly forgiven for bending the black and white rules. Lucky Shyla!

  10. Your photos are always so pretty in true living color, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. I especially love the background in the first photo! Stunning!

  12. We are glad to hear how happy you are about the colours in your world.
    Cocoa and Melon

  13. You are already making beautiful star photos! But I wait with baited breath to see how much better they will get!

    That yellow flowers photo... oh, how that took my breath away!

  14. Great Pictures of Shyla.
    The last with stars is Amazing!


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