Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Sunday

Shyla and I are reveling in our morning rides. It's cool, and we're having a blast. She's getting good at "heeling" next to my bike, so I can take her more places than I used to be able to take her.
It truly feels as if every flower in our neck of the woods is blooming right now. The wild roses are going... wild!
Shyla and I are continuing to work on her agility, and she is doing so fabulously. I still need to be right next to her as she negotiates most obstacles, like the teeter-totter and the weave so I can't get photos yet.

Last evening, we saw the "super moon" which is closest to the Earth that it will be all year. The super moon was unfortunately obscured by clouds until well after it rose last evening. However, it was gorgeous as it emerged from the orange clouds
In honor of Black and White Sunday, I am sharing one more attempt at star trails. These trails are from one night on our desert camping trip in May. It's cool how placing the North Star off-center in the photo makes the "circles" look almost eliptical. The part of my star trails that I'm not satisfied with is the obvious gaps within the trails. I plan to try some more soon, with shorter gaps between exposures. However, I still like this one from one of our favorite campsites in Utah.
I captured more very fun bear action the other day - this time involving a cub with big aspirations... I'll share it soon. Happy Sunday!


  1. happy Sunday to you too! we missed the super moon due to the rain here, thanks for sharing it!

    Lee, Phod and their Lady

  2. Happy Sunday to you too - beautiful photos. We got a glimpse of the big moon too - it was HUGE!

  3. Thank you for sharing the super moon with us. It was hiding behind some clouds and we could not see it.
    We love hearing about how Shyla is learning so much,

  4. MOM and I sat out and watched the moon. But we do do that often Super or not. And of course Shyla looks so so happy in her paradise.

  5. That Off-center star photo looks like Van Gogh! Oh no...I'm singing that song in my head...starry starry night...NOOOOO make it stop....

  6. All your photos are gorgeous! I love that moon!

  7. Those star pictures are mesmerizing. I can't wait to see more bear antics.


  8. Our wild roses are blooming now too and they are extremely fragrant! Ours are white. Your pink rose is just beautiful, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. That Shyla is one smart cookie! Just look at how far she has come ~ We love it!!

    We think you captured the Moon perfectly! We had way too many clouds to even see it.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  10. I love wild roses! That is a nice shot too.

  11. I think your star trails are gorgeous! I like them a little irregular, I guess! :)

    I'm glad Shyla's getting so good at so many different things now, too!

  12. So beautiful. We are also enjoying every second of every day
    Benny & Lily

  13. That is about the most beautiful picture of the "super moon" that I have seen.

    Anne and Sasha


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