Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Springtime Sunset

We went directly from winter to spring in a few days. Look at the green grass!
We were all out for a sunset hike yesterday evening. It was cold (it snowed here on Thursday) but the sun sets so late. It's a wonderful time of year.
A huge variety of flowers have burst into bloom since it suddenly became springtime. This is a Plantain Leaf Buttercup (Ranunculus alismifolius) blooming in the moisture of an aspen grove.

These flowers are blooming despite cold temperatures at night (almost freezing) and cold winds, like last evening. Shyla smelled something in the wind.
I asked her to look at me, which she did (barely) while continuing to sniff. R was acting mature, for once in his life!
Shyla continued her multi-tasking, peeking at me out of the corner of her eye while scenting in the wind.
Then, just as the sun set, she turned reddish in its glow. It's not the same red as in the desert but I still love it.
It's springtime, but not quite summertime here yet. We love the long days, and we can't wait for the warmer weather!

Since it's become springtime, our agility course has finally emerged from under the snow. I've started teaching Shyla how to negotiate the obstacles, and I'll share some things about that soon. The short story is that she's learning very fast - she's even doing a modified version of the teeter-totter already!

Also, Shyla's socialization training is continuing to move in the right direction, one small step at a time. It's been a long road, and it's not over yet. But, I've learned so very much about how to look at the world from her point of view.


  1. I love it when they barely but do in fact do what you ask. Yes, we are loving the long daylight hours. R as the mature one, imagine that!

  2. R looks like he's laughing in that second picture! Shyla cracks me up with her "looking at you" while checking on that scent! What a character!

    Otto' s going to rattlesnake aversion training tomorrow. I hope I get some pictures so I can do a post. Gizmo was bitten once in our yard and Otto is Mr. Curious! Wish us luck!

  3. I was looking at R's ears, and they are so beautiful- of course he is beautiful all over- but his ears look like velvet!
    Shyla was really using her sniffer- I wonder what she smelled.
    Theirs going to be more fun for Shyla when she gets more of that spring time training!

  4. Love that Shyla is watch you out of the corner of her eye shot.

    xo Cinnamon
    Have a nice weekend.:)

  5. MOM and I hiked in the mountains today and we thought of you and thought maybe you were doing the same thing. Spring is here for sure and we are headed to summer. The weather could not have been more perfect. I love the shots of the two of them together. So beautiful.

  6. Those are some happy faces! Looks like they are loving the warm weather :)

  7. I sometimes look at the enlarged pics (that you post) first before I read. You can be quite sure I was stunned with Shyla's sneaky eyed looks on this post, the writing made it much funnier!

    R is looking fine but so serious these days, is he losing his cracker dog condition?

    Jo, STella and Zkhat

  8. I wish we had evening temps near freezing! Our weekend (here in the DC area) has been in the low 90s and humid. Yuck! My guys don't last long in that!

    Agility is a great confidence builder! It will be another feather in Shyla's cap! Jimmy and I adore it!

  9. I love the second picture with R looking silly and Shyla looking like she can't believe how silly he is!

    Enjoy the spring weather!

  10. What great pictures! We're so laughing at R "acting" mature.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. Isn't it funny how they accommodate us even when they are doing something else? One of the many reasons I love the pups!


  12. Just caught up after a short hiatus. The bear parade sounds like fun!
    I am quite interested in life from a dog's point of view, and hope I will see it one day.

  13. Great pics, I love the flower and of course the sunset glow.

  14. Love Shyla's multi-tasking;-) A beautiful pair...

  15. You're listening to your mom but we can tell that you really don't want to, Shyla! haha

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  16. R gets more handsome each time we see pics of him....if that is possible ..like the way Shyla multi tasks...
    Entire and the furkids

  17. Lovely Pictures, R looks handsome. Shyla is a good girl with her training. Should go this weekend with VIlja but I Think she is going in heat, and thats no good for the others


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