Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

An Alpine Escape

We just returned from a short escape to the high mountains. We camped at a very high point, over 11,000', on a pass that holds numerous small lakes.

Our time there was marked by what was hopefully the start of the monsoon, with afternoon thunderstorms (including rain) every afternoon. The rain came through in short bursts, with the sun sometimes still shining, leading to rainbows.
We visited this place for the first time last August, after K had crossed the Rainbow Bridge but before Shyla had arrived. I was so morose. Being in the same glorious campsite where I grieved last year, I realized how much Shyla has brightened our lives.
She's so loving and so affectionate. After she decides that she loves someone, she wants to express it all the time. She crawls into our laps whenever they look available, and she showers us in kisses. It's impossible not to smile when I'm around her.
Of course, R is now our steady and (mostly) calming influence (but wait until you see the photos of him in the lakes!). I remember how he tolerated my need to hug him all the time during our mountain trip last year and how he invited me bury my wet cheeks in his soft fur. He even tolerated learning new tricks, to give me my "canine fix".
Over the past few days, we had tons of fun - mountain biking, running, and dog swimming in those lakes!

After we came back to civilization, I learned of bad news... the passing of Thunder, the firefighter tragedy, and more.

When my heart gets heavy, I'll keep remembering this view from our campsite... And, I'll remember that hearts heal, very slowly, but they do.
And, I'll remember the hillsides resplendent with wildflowers.
Many of these flowers couldn't bloom last year due to drought. Yet they've sprung back to life - a lesson for us all.


  1. Beautiful post, KB. Yes, we will all recover from losses, but we have lost the most wonderful dogs over the last year!

    I think R's dignified stance is almost as funny as his old goofiness!

    Cheers and hugs,


  2. I love that wildflower shot! I see that Shyla has made more rainbows, too. She really is a remarkable little soul, and so is R. It looks like a beautiful trip!

  3. The high mountains are so beautiful, and we love the rainbow glowing in the sky behind Shyla.
    Happyiness is painted on her face in big smiles...
    Smiles she is painting on hearts,, yours and ours.
    R and Shyla- so beautiful together, and the yellow flower- so tender yet brave.
    Its hard sometimes to come back to reality where sadness has fallen upon us- but together we give each other strength.
    A very beautiful post KB. Maybe the rainbow was for Thunder and the firefighters.

  4. Looks like a great place to rest and relax. I love afternoon showers.

  5. The wildflower is a beautiful metaphore.

  6. It is amazing what a difference a year can make, how the heart can heal, and the love and beauty that surrounds us every day whether we notice it or not.

    I'm so glad Shyla is there for you now and that R was there for you then and now.

    Most of our dogs are like that with snuggles and kisses, nothing better brightens my day.

  7. Still some snow. How wonderful.

  8. What a beautiful post with such gorgeous pictures, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. It's a gorgeous area.

    XXXOOO daisy, Bella & Roxy

  10. I bet Thunder was sending down some of those rainbows from the Bridge to let everyone know he was okay!

  11. Gorgeous! How do you find these places
    Benny & Lily

  12. Very tender post...

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  13. You write the most beautiful posts! What an awesome place to camp! I miss the mountains and just looking at all of your gorgeous photos brings back many memories. Shyla and R are magnificent and you capture their beauty in your photos! It has been a very tragic year of loss. Blessings to you.

  14. Beautiful!! Love the Rainbow...and K was there too looking after you for sure....

  15. Lovely words and photos--as always. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  16. Yet another beautifully touching post. We were so saddened by the news of the firefighters, and nearly to the day on the anniversary of the Storm King Mountain fire that also claimed hot shots.

    That portrait of Shyla with the rainbow is outstanding.


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