Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Life Marches On

We've had a deluge for the past few days, a huge contrast to the recent hot and dry weather that had the locals scanning the horizon for smoke plumes. I know that I should be grateful for the rain, but on this day, waking up to gray skies and rain was not what my spirit needed. Do you want to guess who showered me in canine love and helped me get moving? Yep, it was this girl - my gift.
On rough days, my motto is one pedal stroke at a time... just get on my bike and pedal into the mountains, and life will look better. It always works, at least to some extent.
We avoided the worst of the morning deluge by using the time-honored technique of procrastinating. When we finally exited the dry house, the world was still drenched so Shyla was quickly soaked. Then, to my delight, the sun shined for about 30 seconds between rain showers, just long enough for me to take one photo of Shyla in it.

Mother Nature had some beauty for me to discover. I spotted a bumblebee finding nectar on a Monument Plant (a.k.a., "Green Gentian"), a member of the Gentian family that lives as a leafy rosette on the ground for 50 years or so before its one big hurrah - the year that it sprouts to about 3' tall, blooms, and then dies. An exceptional number of Monument plants are blooming this year. The bees adore them.
Purple flowers are starting to take over the world as we progress through summer. These rain-drenched flowers caught my eye during our whole morning ride. They seem to be blooming everywhere.
After our ride, we headed into town for Shyla's socialization training. Wonderful R joined us to be a calming influence, after a rather long hiatus from training for Shyla. His presence helped her immensely. It especially helped her with meeting strangers. R has never seen a stranger who he didn't want to meet - and that attitude seemed to rub off on Shyla.
I feel like R is our link to the past - he knew and loved K - and now he's helping raise his little sister. That makes him a link in the chain from our past to our present. Recently, I've come to believe that R has become less of a cracker dog because he has felt the need to rise to the role of big brother for Shyla. I love the new noble R, although I also love seeing him go wild, every now and then!

Today, my heart has been with sweet K but I've also realized how much I've grown to love Shyla. K's unconditional love helped prepare me to be Shyla's rock. And, today, Shyla reversed the relationship, and she was my rock. Life marches on.


  1. It is hard when it marches on when we want it to stay the same. Take care.

  2. That brought tears to my eyes. Hugs to you, and a Doxie snuggle from Nola.
    Nola's Mom

  3. Beautifully written post, but I expect nothing less when I read your blog. Your dogs have it made, romping through the Rockies!

  4. I was crazy about R's craziness, but find myself loving his new dignity too. He is a very pretty guy and such a good big brother.

    Shyla, Queen of the Mountains, is looking very happy too. They have such a perfect life for a dog.

    Jo, who seems to be full of opinions tonight!

  5. A day with memories, sadness, and then the joy with Shyla. R is surely the one big brother today specially. Fondest loving thoughts, from Jean.

  6. I felt a lot the same way with Hawk. He was actually older than Treat, but we got her first. He adored her. When she died, I really feared he might just lay down and die, too. When Bunny came along, Lilac and Blueberry sort of circled the wagons and pretended she didn't exist, but Hawk found a new purpose. Bless his heart, he stuck around for another year and a half to teach Bunny the ropes before he left us. When he was gone, I was sad not just because I missed him, but also because he was my link to the past with Treat. Anyway, I loved your story today about R and stepping up to teach Shyla the ropes. And of course your pictures are fantabulous as always! :)

  7. And R was a rock for both of you! Whoda thunk? Hope tomorrow is a better day.

  8. First I just love the wet Shyla. What a happy sole she is in rain or shine. I am glad that her joyfulness bubbles over and surrounds you.

  9. We each grow to fill the needs of those we love because we care fiercely and devotedly and want noting more that what is best for them. It is true whether you are two- or four-legged! I rejoice at the evolution that has taken place.

  10. I'm so glad you had Shyla and R with you today. Sad milestones are hard to bear, but with them by your side hopefully it made bearing it a little easier. May you have happy memories of K.

  11. You have a beautiful writing style. Yes, I agree...it's tough to go through the milestones...but as you said...life really does go on.

  12. Sweet Shyla and R are taking care of you and The Runner and that's all there is to it!


  13. We're thinking of you all and remembering K with lot's of smiles.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  14. You go R, show Shyla how it's done
    Benny & Lily

  15. Once again, you're brought tears to mom's eyes. You are the most beautiful gift, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  16. Hi KB, It seems you are going to get a lot of moisture this week! We are supposed to get up to Estes to ride but I wonder if the weather will cooperate. I love seeing Shyla and hearing about R helping her stay calm in the crowds. Also, have a question for you-thought you might have some insight. My friend and I are riding almost every day(of course it is pretty level around here)but sometimes her knees bother her. She hasn't been riding long, hadn't ridden since childhood. I keep hoping that as we get conditioned she won't notice as much. Any advice?
    Sending hugs your way today.

  17. I wish we had rain. So far we just have the grey skies

    Stop on by for a visit

  18. Great to have those memories and more will come with Shyla.
    Beautiful picture of the bumble bee...we have it very dry now and could have some rain for our flowers

  19. Such a beautiful post. I am trying to catch up- and so glad we stopped to read. Big Brother R- does have a very important role!
    And I love what you say about getting on and going- and it helps to some extent. Such true words... you said so much- we feel what you say. All the photos!! WOW!!
    But the bumble bee- oh gosh!


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