Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sunsets and Bear Cubs

I've been enjoying summer time with my pups and watching our bears. Here, the Duo watched the sun set with me.
A pair of Night Hawks nest yearly somewhere close to where we watch the sunset. They glide and swoop over our heads, letting out squeaking noises as they snag insects out of the air. The Duo don't seem to notice but I do. K and I watched the nighthawks last summer on many evenings - another good memory. Now I'm making new good memories with the Duo.
This was the view after the sun finally dipped below the mountains. Ah, I love summertime.
In the bear world, mating season has come to an abrupt halt. The reason probably is that their favorite foods are maturing and ripening. It's time for bears to eat and eat and eat. Over the next couple of months, they'll eat 10's of thousands of calories very day. It's rather stunning when I realize that an animal as big as a bear can eat all the calories that s/he needs for an entire year within the course of a couple of months.
Buffalo Berries
As the mating season has ended, the mothers with cubs are emerging from hiding. More than one family has visited this spring but I'll show you just one visit today, saving the other one for another video. Here are the two cubs who we've seen before.
The family first visited the base of a bear marking tree and then moved onto a nearby pool of water fed by a spring. The cubs are very cute! You can watch their activities here or at Youtube.

Since this mother bear is around my area a lot, I'd like to give her a name to make it easier to talk about her. I believe that she's the mother of "Socks", the young bear with black legs and a cinnamon body who we see photos of regularly. Do you have any ideas for a name?


  1. R looks like Dark Chocolate in that golden light. I'm terrible with names, but momma bear is pretty cute in her own right. I liked when she sort of flopped over in the water!

  2. LOL! CinnaMOM since she's the mother of the cinnamon youngster ;-)

    I am in perpetual AWE of the beautiful sights you see on a daily basis! That sunset is gorgeous!

  3. Just did a little catching up. Glad to hear you enjoyed learning in bear land. Thanks for sharing the video of the bears in the pond, it was cute!

  4. Lovely pics of the duo, and the sky, perfect. What a great video, they do like that water, I see she has an ear tag, or are there 2? Or was it a flash from the camera? and a name, here in NZ most socks are from Merino/Possum/Angora wool, so either " Needles" or " Woolly", or " Indigo", her fur is blue/black shining, but I do think Taryn's name is great, fits the family so well. Cheers from Jean

  5. That is an incredible shot of the sly. Could look at it all evening long. Great video. MOM says to name her BOB. MOM has a strange sense of humor.

  6. The cubs are just adorable and the sunset is absolutely stunning!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  7. That is one heck of a sunset! Wow!

    Since we always see this mama bear near the water, the name Misty popped into my head. I think Honey and Fleur could be cute names for her, too!

  8. Awesome sunset and as always Shyla looks thoughtful and beautiful. Can't wait to hear what Mama Bear's name will be. Cute cubs, Socks is a good name.

  9. I'm always bad at naming things!

    I love the photos of your pups in the sunset (or is that dawn?).


  10. Cool photos, I love that you get those candid shots of the bears and cubs.

  11. Hi! Lovely Pictures....I will send some Swedish-American names but w dont know the sex......Karl-Oskar and Kristina.
    They Went to America as immigrants..well known

  12. Those bears sure do need to eat lots of berries
    Benny & Lily

  13. Great video! I'd likely call her Wallow since she seems to enjoy doing that. A neighborhood near us has a sow with three cubs seen regularly.

  14. Here we are visitng you KB- looking at pics- and feeling the beauty of your mountain home. We love looking at photos of Shyla- never enough! And the bear photos you share are amazing! Those cubs are so cute.


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