Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Up high and Bears

Shyla and I are up in the alpine zone today. This photo is from last year, on one of her first trips up high.
While we are up there, I thought that you might enjoy some footage of our mother bear, Mabel, and her single cub, cooling off in a spring. You can watch it here or at Youtube.

I'm so glad that I found this spring because it lets us watch two different bear families. The spring must be right on the border between their territories and is probably a heavily contested site. It's fun to see both families!


  1. That was so much fun! We really enjoyed watching the bears playing in the water. They were having a great time and it probably felt really good to them. What great placement for your camera.

    Look at Shyla! She's come a long way in the past year and has grown so much :)

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    (Thanks, we've included your M&M guess into the mix. Hopefully Mom can post the results this weekend.)

  2. That is so cool!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Shyla looks like such a puppy! Love the bears!

  4. Those bears look so adorable splashing and washing behind their ears in that spring! :) Too cute!

    Shyla has really grown hasn't she? In all kinds of ways. :)

  5. My puppy brother and sistah love this. Their names mean "Bear"! My brother's blog: www.haikubyku.com

  6. Haha! After watching the video, I decided Sage must be part bear! Or would it be the other way around? :)

  7. Awesome bear videos and stills.

  8. I like how the little guy stands up to look for his MOm after she left to watering hole.

  9. Bears doing what bears do in the wild. Just being bears. What a treat!

  10. The bears are so totally amazing! Very beautiful!

  11. Wow, that is beyond cool! Two bear families is way better than one. Does Shyla cool off in that spring too? :)

  12. That is incredible footage. I enjoyed the stills as much as the videos. The sight of them brings a continuous grin to my face.
    Thank you so much for sharing these all the time. You can't know how much I look forward to them.
    Bert's My Vickie

  13. We thought you were going to lose your camera for a minute. Love watching the bears in the spring.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  14. I love watching the bears! Thank you for such great viewing.

    Anne and Sasha

  15. Great video. We have bears in the North of Sweden, sometimes they get lost in the south of Sweden...its not normally they area they live in, very seldom.

  16. The bears sure look like they're enjoying themselves!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  17. This is amazing to see these bears so often. Are you ever afraid for Shyla's safety?
    Benny & Lily

  18. What an awesome video of those bears! I always enjoy seeing your wildlife videos and photos!

  19. So fun to see the cubs. Great video.

  20. My oh my... look how Shyla has GROWN!!! Get out the proverbial brick, dear heart, and put it on her head. No more growing older for Shyla!!! Or us, eh? :)

    Hope your trip is everything you expected & more.

    Love ya~ Andrea

  21. Lovely to follow the bears with video.
    Hope they will stay in your area so we can see more of them

  22. The video of Mabel and her cub is absolutely wonderful! Just AWESOME! Thanks for sharing this!

    Susan and Wrigs

  23. this was wonderful to see, thank you for finding and capturing this experience!


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