Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Mountain Lion Walked Here

Our glorious world - some trees are in all their autumn glory while others are still green.
On a different note about the beauty of our world, I found an interesting series of photos from two trail cameras very close to each other more than a week ago.

First, a big bull elk passed a camera in the wee hours of September 20th.
A little while later, a mountain lion passed the same camera, looking like he was tracking something.
Then, about 12 hours later, the mountain lion passed another trail camera about an eighth of a mile away. I wonder if he killed something in the area, and that's why he stayed nearby for those 12 hours.
Here's a second photo as the lion moved rapidly past the camera. It illustrates the raw power that this lion possesses.
I'm pretty sure that he was a male, because he left "scrapes" in the ground all around the area, a territorial marking behavior.

I haven't gone back to the area yet because I wanted to give him time, just in case he had a deer or elk carcass cached in that area. Winter is coming. The lion needs to fatten up without my interference.

The mountains that Shyla and I visited the other day were very wintery today! Winter is creeping down the mountains toward us...


  1. It is the time tween seasons that to us are most beautiful and you have captured not only the images but the feeling so perfectly.

  2. It is the time tween seasons that to us are most beautiful and you have captured not only the images but the feeling so perfectly.

  3. I would never be able to see the beauty of those mountains if it were not for you and the incredible pictures that you post. To see it up so close, every rock, every flower, the wildlife, through your eyes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  4. maybe he's hunting elk!! What a great wildlife highway.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. I felt a chill go down my spine when I saw that snow picture! I am not ready to start thinking about snow just yet.

    How big is the biggest animal that a lion will take down? That elk looks pretty big, but is it possible he was the lion's prety? Or would a bull elk have to be old or infirm for a lion to make an attempt on it?

  6. I felt a chill go down my spine when I saw that snow picture! I am not ready to start thinking about snow just yet.

    How big is the biggest animal that a lion will take down? That elk looks pretty big, but is it possible he was the lion's prety? Or would a bull elk have to be old or infirm for a lion to make an attempt on it?

  7. I don't know but if that mountain lion caught up with the elk in the woods, I bet he could take him. Maybe not out on the flats where he could run fast. . .


  8. Hi Everyone,

    My guess is that, if the mountain lion had the element of surprise on his side, he could take down that big bull elk. But, that's just a guess!

    Thanks for your comments!


  9. That leaf photo is really breath taking. You know as a Weim I was bred, so I am told and have read, to take down big animals like deer and elk. Now look at that elk, now look at me... I'm not so sure I could do that. And really I don't think I would want to. Maybe a little chase butt not interested in in wrestling them to the ground.

  10. Your pictures are so amazing! You can see the determination in the lion's face! Your mountains are beautiful and the leaf! Wow!

  11. I really liked White Dog's comment. This is my favorite time of year, too. I love seeing how it looks in your beautiful world.

  12. We just love that autumn leaf! It's always such a treat to visit your blog, KB ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  13. I can smell the snow in that picture!

  14. Great photos, as always! Love trying to piece together a story from the glimpses offered by the trail cams. Love seeing the snow on those mountains! I sure hope we get some this winter.

    Susan and Wrigs

  15. Wow! What a great snow shot. I've always loved your trail camera photos. What a glimpse of wildlife you get that you wouldn't see without them.

  16. What a lot of snow already you have in the mountins.
    Great trial camera Pictures. The lion is Beautiful.

  17. So much beauty in your world- thank you for always sharring it with us,

  18. I hope the lion finds enough to eat to survive the winter. The picture of the mountains with the snow is beautiful, but I for one am not ready for winter!

  19. Wow, that is pretty cool! Great photos (as always)!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. Hi Y'all!

    Playin' catch up. Wow! Winter! Nooooo!!!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  21. Great lion pics. It looks mad in the last shot.

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