Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sow and Cub Play

My favorite trail camera company (trailcampro.com) is sponsoring a video contest so I decided to enter. It was suddenly announced during our floods so I didn't have time to ask you all for help in choosing a video. I chose my favorite mom-cub play video from the spring where I've had a camera all season.

You can view my video from the contest page (it's #6) or below. The company will choose the winners so there's no need to vote. However, there are lots of great videos from all over the world if you want to check them out.

Here's my video:

I hope it made you laugh! I love seeing the bears play. I especially love how obvious it is that the mother bear is pushing softly to avoid hurting her cub.

Have a great weekend.


  1. I took a few minutes to look at the first group and I think yours is far to superior to any of the others. For color and bear activity, it just can't be beat. Many of them are taken at a great distance, or black and white where its hard to see what you are seeing.

    So Mom and Kid Bear have a good chance of winning, I bet.

    Cheers and happy weekend to you,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

    (Did you get your grub and is the Runner making it back to work?)

  2. That made my day, what a wonderful video. Good luck and I am going to check out the other videos for fun.

    Anne and Sasha

  3. What a tiny cub! And Mom i boxing the baby's ears more for dramatic effect than physical impact, i think ;)
    Good luck in the contest!! Fingers crossed :)

  4. Oh my gosh- I cannot believe your captured this wonderful video!

  5. Definitely a winner!! Hope for another success, yours is so much better than others I looked at, they were either too far away, not clear, no real action for any animal, if I were the judge, I'd say " YES". Cheers from Jean.

  6. I forwarded this to every one I know. I love it. What a great thing to see. I wish we could vote.....

  7. KB,

    If we could vote, your video would win, hands down! This is one of my all-time favorite bear videos. Love, love, love!

    Susan and Wrigs (the bionic dog) ;-)

  8. We think this video is just adorable and we hope you win, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. Oh shoot, we would have loved to have voted again for you. Hope those judges know what they are doing :)

    Great video and truly a winner in our book.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  10. What an awesome video. Good luck in the contest!

  11. OMD! That is just the CUTEST!!!
    It's like "Mom just wants a spa day! Go away kid!!"
    And, it's almost like the cub is sayin', "Butt, MOM!!"
    Very, cute!! (yes, Ma does realize that she tends to 'humanize' wildlife...you should see what she comes up with when she watches the Pandas!! Geesh.)
    Ruby ♥☺
    pees: My paws are crossed for you!!! I thinks you'll win....

  12. That Mom just wants a minute's peace! Good Luck on your video - it's wonderful with great clarity.

  13. I love that part at the end when they both turn their heads together at the same time! That is just incredibly sweet, and I think it has a good chance of winning!

  14. Wonderful video!
    Hope they will be safe from hunters.

  15. i think you made an awesome choice!


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