Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Laughter and Love

I had the idea that I should take a few photos of Shyla in the green grass, since it is long overdue to become brown and then be covered by snow for months. She gave me a warm look.
Then, she noticed the green grass next to her and quickly snarfed a bite. The look on her face made me laugh!
I asked her to stop, and she quickly recomposed herself, adopting the "noble looking-off-into-the-distance" pose.
There was just one problem... the grass was still hanging out of her mouth, negating the "noble" part of the look! Shyla makes me laugh almost every day.

Shyla has been the greatest gift in the world since K died. I am so thankful.


  1. Lovely photos and words, how are the roading repairs going? I see some places further north of you have snow already, and we are really in spring, bulbs blooming, trees leafing up, grass greening, yes, I too can be thankful for so much, Fond greetings, Jean.

  2. I think one of the reasons we love our dogs so much is all the laughter they give us!

  3. If it weren't for Blueberry - I don't think I would laugh as much as I do!

    That first pic is especially stunning - it's postcard perfect!

  4. It is to your credit also that you find joy in the small moments that our animals have - I'm sure a lot of people couldn't do that, so they couldn't turn them into a gift!

  5. That "noble with grass" picture looks like she has a toothpick sticking out of her mouth. I love her coloring in that sun.


  6. KB, are you guys o.k.? Since there is nothing here about mudslides or flooding I am hoping that means you are high enough(other than the hassle getting down to town). I love Shyla's look too-you get such good photos of her. I'm so glad she found her forever home with you! May you have many, many more years together.
    Hugs, Noreen

  7. We like that second picture!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. To be blessed by a friend who knows your every mood and can make you laugh is a tremendous gift. I am certain K is overjoyed that Shyla fills your heart with gratitude and joy.

  9. That last picture says that the feeling between the two of you is mutual!

  10. We love eating grass....and we love Shyla's LOOK!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  11. So funny. I didn't notice the piece of grass until you mentioned it, and it does lend a little "oops, silliness" to the photo. You are so right, summer is quickly leaving.

  12. The different expressions on Shyla's face are priceless. Smiles and laughter are so healing--they are one of the many gifts we receive from our pups.

    Susan and Wrigs

  13. I love, love, love grass too, Shyla, and I'm forever getting corrected to "leave it, Molly", but it's so much fun to rip it out!

    Love ya lots♥

  14. We love eating grass too! Love the photos and we reckon Shyla thanks the stars that you chose to bring her into your family too! Happy weekend mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  15. Ha ha what great Pictures of Shyla. Trym does like that too, the upper lip.


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