Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Winter, Autumn, and Summer- All in One Day

Yesterday evening, the clouds lifted ever so briefly, and we saw winter in the mountains.
I believe that it has been snowing up high all day. I captured a brief glimpse of the mountains today, and it looked as if the snow was down to 9000' or so (getting close to our elevation!). I am so glad that we went to Dog Leap Lake a few days ago rather than waiting!

This morning, Shyla and I went to Hug Hill. No mountains were visible but the winter wind had kicked up. I love watching her ears flap in the wind.
I took a moment on Hug Hill to remember K, because today is her birthday. I feel peaceful - and so thankful that I knew her love.

Then, it was time to let Shyla have some fun. As my friend said today: "You and Shyla saved each other" (after K's death). I do believe that having this new girl in my life has helped my heart heal more than I could have imagined.
After Hug Hill, I pedaled further through pine trees swaying in the winter wind. On the other side of the pine forest, I spotted an autumn sight on the floor of an aspen grove. It may be winter in the high mountains but it's still autumn here.
When I headed out on my solo ride, I also spotted a summer sight - Lupines blooming, probably prompted by all the rain we had in the flood storm. Miraculous!
The lupines were next to an aspen leaf quaking in the wind. It took a long time to capture this photo, waiting for the wind to pause so that the leaf would stop moving.
When I arrived home after a windy ride, I found Shyla snoozing with her head on my pillow. K used to do that all the time but it was a first for Shyla. It warmed my heart.
Perhaps my two girls are more connected than I know.


  1. Shyla is definitely connect to you, her sleeping on your pillow is sweet.
    xo Cinnamon

    ps: love your leaf photos.

  2. What a gift to find Shyla on your pillow! That "autumn" picture is fantastic. autumn is my favorite time of year. I love the colors.

    The Los Angeles Times published its winning photos submitted by readers of their summer vacations. There is a starry night one that doesn't hold a candle to yours!


  3. "Knew her love", we like that, a lot! We are supposed to get our first mountain snows this week.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Love the snow on the mountaintops. Shyla's collar is stunning btw. That's a sweet photo of Shyla sleeping on your pillow.

  5. I woke to winter this morning, but by late afternoon, all was melted around the house. Shyla is a lucky dog - you are lucky, too.

  6. Happy birthday K . . . . I am glad you found peace on this day.

  7. Beautiful photographs and touching narrative. Sweet Shyla on the pillow.

  8. :) Loved that she slept on your pillow for the first time today of all days. I think that K & Shyla are very very connected...through your heart and more :) Sending lots of love!

  9. Such beauty all around you. I love that Shyla was lying with her head on your pillow.


  10. Bunny picked up certain traits that Treat had and I found it really comforting. I've noticed that Flattery has a few of Blue's traits, too. I don't know if it's that I see what I want to, or if they just like to pass along little messages to me to let me know they're thinking of me.

  11. They are connected, no doubt. Love this time of year when we get to experience many seasons at the same time. Oh the beauty of it all.

  12. Thank you for such a beautiful and touching post. It was just what I needed to hear today. :)

  13. Colorado is definitely one of those states that can go through all the seasons in one day!

    I had to be at work early today (7AM) so my short dog walk at 6AM required a coat for the first time this fall. Our season is changing too, but with a lot less drama.

  14. You know you're loved when it's your pillow they lay on--Sage does the same thing.

    You captured the perfect moment with Shyla--her ears are so descriptive!

  15. What a big day Shyla! We could experience all the seasons here too. Nutty. Warm at the beach and snow in the mountains
    Benny & Lily

  16. Sometimes I think the dogs we've lost reach us through the dogs we have now. I really do.
    Shyla is one mighty special girl.

  17. Hey Shyla, I have that same purple toy! Isn't it fun? Thanks for giving your momma some comfort today, I know it's making K's birthday a whole lot happier for everyone.

  18. Excellent photos! Can you email me when you get a chance? I've got a quick question for you?

  19. Great Picture Shyla snoozing. The mountins looks Beautiful, snow already???
    Hope we will get late snow or none. Then we can be out with the dogs the whole season until end January

  20. What a sweet picture of you napping, Shyla!
    Happy Birthday, angel K ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  21. OMD, that just warmed my heart!! That is just the sweetest pic of Shyla! I bets she's rompin' with K in her dreams...
    Ruby ♥

  22. This is a story about healing hearts!


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