Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Leap Forward

As many of you know, my Shyla was very very fearful when she first arrived here. She didn't want to meet anyone. She'd shrink away, making it clear that she was terrified. If cojoled, she'd belly crawl toward the person who wanted to meet her.
Recently, something has changed for her - a switch in her brain has flipped, and she's leaped out of the darkness.
We see people on our trails occasionally - and more so recently than usual. Believe it or not, Shyla *wants* to meet them!
Yesterday, we met a friend for a hike. I gave my friend the "standard instructions", including not to look at Shyla or act interested in her until Shyla made the first move to make friends.

It was only about 30 seconds before Shyla was giving my friend kisses!
I am in awe of her sudden boldness. I think some combination of all the work we did with our trainer, the passage of time, and the growth of our bond has made the difference.
We haven't been to town in a while but we'll go soon. I'm very curious to see whether Shyla's new confidence shines through even in the midst of the bustle of town - a stressful place for any mountain dweller.
Regardless of how the next visit to town goes, I now know that the sky is the limit. I am beginning to believe that Shyla will someday be anything but "shy". In fact, her shy days might be nothing but a distant memory sometime in the future.
I must say thank you to all of you who told me to "be patient"over the past 14 months and told me inspiring stories of very fearful dogs who learned to navigate the world with ease. Each of those stories buoyed my spirits, and I am very grateful.


  1. What a beautiful way to show her transformation!

  2. What a beautiful way to show her transformation!

  3. She feels safe and loved! Makes all the difference.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. High Fives to Shyla.
    Kisses really, oh I wish I could have one.

    XO Cinnamon and Linda

  5. Way to go, Shyla! Wonderful news, beautiful girl!

  6. I do believe maturity has a little bit to do with it, but she wouldn't have come this far without your guidance.


  7. I am not the slightest bit surprised :) you have worked so hard to help her gain confidence and truly have a solid foundation to help her learn to trust again! She is so darned lucky that she found you! A monster congratulations to both of you-you should be beaming with pride! Xoxo

  8. That is just wonderful and totally attributable to your perseverance. I am hoping to see the same happen with Lightning although I am very worried about how he will react after all the disruption in his life now. Maybe I will have to send him to the Rockies:)

  9. YOU have taught her that humans can be trusted. She is beautiful as are the photos you take of her.

  10. All I can say is that this is a beautiful post and "Hurray, Shyla!"

  11. As a used-to-be shy dog myself, I know how hard it is to get over being skeered. But when you know you're safe and you trust your humans to take care of you, it gets easier and easier to go out in the world and make new furends. Way to go, Shyla and way to go, KB!

    Wiggles & Wags,


  12. Hooray for Shyla!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  13. What a beautiful way to share and show how far and out of the shadows Shyla has come. The sky is indeed the limit.

  14. The power of love provides courage, gives strength, overcomes fear, encourages growth. You and Shyla are each more amazing because of that love. We are smiling for the first time in days.

  15. Instead of expecting Shyla to speak your language... you spoke hers. And she understood you!

    This post makes my heart sing!

    Love~ Andrea

  16. That is so wonderful to read that she is now less shy! I have often wondered about her name, as I've never heard the name Shyla before, but just Googled it and the Urban Dictionary website had this definition:

    Shyla is the definition of perfection. She possesses the radiance of an angel. With a stunning smile she is able to capture one's heart. Her eyes can only be compared to the magnificence of sparkling jewels. Her soft voice is like a soothing melody. Shyla is love in its purest form.

    Looking at her eyes in your photos, and reading how she is now and how she has changed your life, I know that she was given the perfect name for when she met you.

  17. Your pictures are beautiful!! We are so glad that it has worked out for the both of you!! Did she come to you as a rescue? Just wondering...why she was so shy?

    Happy Weekend!

  18. We are just thrilled for you and your mom, Shyla! You are such a beauty ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. beautiful pictures tell a beautiful story! yeh shyla!

  20. Such an inspiring story!

    We knew you could do it Shyla ~ Way to go girl!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  21. I knew there was a social butterfly somewhere in Shyla's heart, and I am so glad that she found the right place to help her blossom!

  22. How wonderful to Shyla gain in confidence and seek out new horizons in friendships.

    She is so beautiful and your photography is a joy to see of delightful Shyla.

  23. I really needed to read this, thank you for warming my heart!

  24. Good for you beautiful girl, the love and attention always brings a happy!

  25. That must be so gratifying. She is going to continue to amaze you I'm sure.

  26. Hi KB, I'm so glad to see how Shyla is maturing. It is interesting because Hunter is showing new behaviors too and is so much more confident with our grandkids.
    I am missing the mountains so much-can't wait til the road opens in a little over a month. I think I'll have to really help the economy in Estes over the holidays.
    Hoping your neck & back are doing better today.
    Hugs, Noreen


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