Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Life with Dogs

Our world had become connected to the flatlands again, after heroically fast work by our county and state officials to rebuild a road. In that regard, life has become "normal" again. However, regardless of how easy it is to get down to town, my heart is in the mountains.
The past week has brought some unexpected tumult to my life due to an illness in my family. I've been stressed out - more than even I realized. Then, yesterday afternoon, the familiar "light show" started in my visual field (an "ocular migraine"). It's like zig-zagging and flashing lights in the far right of my vision, and it's a sure sign that I won't be feeling well for at least a little while. For a couple of years after these ocular migraines began, I had the light show and then I'd feel normal.

However, these migraines have evolved. Now, my brain seems to get scrambled by them, leaving me feeling like I can't focus on anything. Moreover, I now often get a migraine headache after the light show. Ugh.

So, I went straight to bed yesterday when the light show started, a rare thing for me to do. The good news is that I feel almost normal today, although the stress that triggered it is still here.

This morning, when I realized that I felt okay, Shyla and I headed out to the forest, where I find my peace by pedaling through nature. To my eye, my Shyla is getting more beautiful by the day as our bond grows.
Sometimes, I wonder how I could ever live without dogs. They make me smile and comfort me in times of stress. When I dove under the covers with a migraine yesterday, Shyla lay her head softly on me, watching over me.


  1. I don't think I could live without dogs - especially when I'm feeling low.

    Monty and Harlow

  2. They do provide wonderful comfort! I can't imagine life w/o a dog or even better dogS!

  3. Dogs, running, and yoga are the best stress relief! Hope you don't get any migraines; I get them occasionally and it's just terrible.

    Nola's Mom

  4. Shyla is stunning as are all of your photographs. We're sorry to hear of your migraines...they're tough.

  5. Sorry your having a tough time right now...but glad you have a good companion to help you along.

  6. I am sorry you are having stress, that really sucks! Dogs have a miraculous way of making us feel better though, don't they. That and nature, The two best curatives out there.

  7. Sending my best to you during this trying time. My heart just breaks every time I hear that you are not feeling well. I think, "Not fair!" because you love to be so active. You handle it all with such grace. Thinking of you.

  8. I am so sorry to hear that you had a migraine. I rarely get them, but know how painful they can be. I hope your stress decreases and you don't get one for a long time.

    So glad to hear Shyla was your nurse!

  9. So glad to hear you are connected to the rest of the world now. I would hate to not have a dog at my side. Ours make me smile and laugh every day.


  10. The unseen, and they can be so bad. Dark room, cold cloths, and a comforting paw by your side. I'll email how I managed mine, sometimes with limited success, others not so well. Shyla will know instinctively when you are low, and be close by. Take care, and be well tomorrow. Fond greetings, jean.

  11. I know that I couldn't! And I hope that you're able to find peace soon, and that the illness will get better!

  12. So sorry about the stress and headaches. I had ocular migraines but never with headaches...just an area of blindness in my left eye. I do hope the family illness resolves soon. I know exactly how you feel about getting back up the mountain from town. Life really is better in the mountains.

    It isn't just to your eye. Shyla IS getting more beautiful all the time. There is a spark there that was lacking in her early days. And I think you get a lot of the credit for that spark.

  13. The photo of Shyla is just excellent, colors, eyes, everything perfect.

    Sorry, Sister, that you are down with this and I hope tomorrow brings you relief. Try to just hope and pray for the wellness of your family member and concentrating on that person, might help you!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  14. I sure hope things ease up soon. I agree that I couldn't live without a dog in my life. Sorry you get the headache with your ocular migraines.

  15. Shyla is beautiful indeed. I'm so glad to have Beamer right now. Things at home are pretty rough and he's my constant companion through it all.

  16. Life without dogs? What a crazy notion!! Keep taking care of yourself, and hoping your family is 100% again soon.

  17. Take extra good care of your mom, beautiful Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  18. It boggles my brain dat some peoples not want dogs...fur mum, her not ables to function withouts 'em.
    I hopes you is feelin' betters and your loves one is gonna be okays.


  19. Hope everything works out. Mom gets those bad migraines too
    Benny & Lily

  20. Life without dogs just would not be as interesting and fun. Life would not be fulfiled without dogs.

  21. I tried living without a dog years ago. My house was clean and orderly, no hair flying around and you know what? I hated it! I much prefer dogs. So what if I have to vacuum more and have a steady supply of Lint Rollers stashed around the house. The love and comfort dogs bring - makes it all worth it! :)

    Sorry to hear about your stress, I will keep you in my prayers. Sending hugs.

  22. take care!
    I have like that sometimes only in a year. But they Think it comes from stressed work.

  23. Shyla did her job! Glad you are feeling better!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. I am so so sorry to learn of your flashes & migraine, KB. I wish that ailment did not exist for you... but I'm so glad you have your sweet furry comforters to make it a bit more bearable. My prayers are with you.

    Love~ Andrea

  25. PS~ I will be praying for your ill family member too. XOXOXO

  26. So sorry to hear about the illness in your family and your ocular migraine! I'm glad you were able to prevent the migraine from escalating. Our dogs do bring comfort. I can't imagine life without them either.

    I'm glad to hear your road was repaired before winter sets in.

    Susan and Wrigs

  27. Life without dogs is just not possible. Hope you feel back to yourself soon.

  28. Awwwww, sweet girl! So glad you have her for comfort when the physical trials overtake you. Get feeling better soon!


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