Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Cracker Dog Returns

Shyla is my regular mountain biking partner so she gets the spotlight most of the time in this blog.
R normally runs with The Runner on the trails so I don't get so many photos of him, nor do I get to spend as much fun time with him.
But, he's an incredibly sweet dog who I love to spend time with.
This morning, after Shyla and I had ventured out into the snowy and very cold world, the Runner requested that I take R for some mountain biking because their run had been shorter than usual. Shyla was content to snooze while R and I were out because she'd already run off her energy.
It's rare that I get to take R mountain biking because R was born with elbow dysplasia. He had surgery for it as a youngster but the vets say that his elbow will inevitably get arthritis and will eventually need another surgery to "clean out" the joint space. That surgery may not be too far off because R seems to get sore more often now than a year ago. Because R is the Runner's best buddy, I try not to wear out his elbow on any extra running with me.

But, this morning, I was given a free ticket for running time with R! He started out as the serious big brother who we've all come to know recently.
But then, he cut loose and acted like the Cracker Dog who we knew for so many years!
Welcome back, Cracker Dog R! We love you.


  1. I love R's face. I think it's those soft eyes.

  2. It is good to see R . He really does have beautiful soft wise eyes. A lot of soul! Thanks for the chance to see him happy as well.
    Barb and all the furkids

  3. Tuesday just got a lot better, seeing R here.
    Run little cracker.

    xo Cinnamon

  4. Cracker Dog, its so good to see you happy and running!

  5. So nice you got to spend that special fun time with a very handsome boy!

  6. WE love to see R running through the woods. We love that R......

  7. We so enjoy seeing R having a blast on the trails!! Sometimes it is good to switch it up a bit! Hope his elbow isn't too painful. xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  8. Love those Cracker Dog ears!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  9. I love R! He reminds me of Auggie, where Shyla's... deepness reminds me of Nola.

    Nola's Mom

  10. R and Shyla have the most soulful eyes. They're both very lucky to live where there are beautiful trails to explore!

  11. I have always really enjoyed the stories about R, and he is incredibly handsome, inside that cracker dog suit! It's good to see him in the spotlight today!

  12. How fun to see him flip his 'cracker switch!"

  13. Seems like I have to wait quite a while so see that goofy boy in action, but when he does, its all worth it!

    Return of the Cracker Dog!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  14. You are so handsome, R, and you have the kindest eyes! Have fun being cracker dog for a day!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Go, dog, go. Roxy does the same thing, somedays she feels good, and some days she doesn't.

  16. I love his expression as he's running towards you!

  17. Wow! Look at him go. It's evident how much fun R was having.

  18. He is a handsome fella!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. Welcome back Cracker! Nice to see those flopping ears! And boy that's a nice innocent puppy face you've perfected. I bet it works great on all the bi-peds! Juno gives you 2 paws up on your running technique!

  20. He looks so happy running! Cracker dogs are the best!

  21. R looks Lovely, he has such kindful Eyes.
    Hope he will manage without surgey....


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