Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 21, 2013

We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun...

Our friend Pip, who bid us a sad farewell yesterday, shared a wonderful quote by John Lennon. "Yeah, we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun".

I thought of Pip this morning when Shyla and I saw the moon set over the Rocky Mountains (look to the far left of the photo). Pip was a bright shining star on this earth, and we will miss him.
Having bid K farewell last year, I also read the quote in another way. "Yeah, we all shine on...". Those words also fit what happens to those of us who are left behind. Eventually, our spirits shine again.

And, we see the spirit of our departed loved one shining from souls of the new loved ones in our lives. Somehow, although I could barely smile for months after K died, now I smile whenever I look at Shyla. And, I see a bit of K's spirit in her eyes. Of course, Shyla's own unique spirit shines through too. I love all of it.

This was at sunrise this morning.
Just like K used to do, Shyla now seeks eye contact with me. She isn't afraid to look me straight in the eyes, and I love that.
I've learned what different looks from Shyla mean. Her expression in the next photo means that she wants permission to run around. I told her to "go play".
And she was off to romp.
We do "all shine on", although it can take a long time after bidding a loved one farewell before we realize that our spirits are shining again.
Pip left us with a poignant message. We do "all shine on" if our hearts are open to loving again.


  1. Today would have been Sam's 11th Birthday. Pip's quote was good for my heart.

    Monty and Harlow

  2. Run free, Pip. I now have that song in my head, not a bad thing.

  3. This is an excellent post. Very well stated.

    Murphy and Stanley

  4. I'm crying a little, but in a good way. All our dogs bring something unique to our lives. Mr. Pip was a real trooper and I know he will be missed.

    Mango Momma

  5. It's so hard to loose a friend. Whether a furry one, or a human one. Great post and I love the song.

  6. What a beautiful tribute to Mr Pip, and all the gorgeous photos!

  7. Pip would have loved this post. What a gift you have for capturing emotion, both in writing and photos. Shine on.

  8. Yes indeed we all shine on. Of that MOM and I have no doubt. Beautiful photos of Shyla.

  9. That was such a beautiful post.

  10. Thanks so much for this beautiful tribute to Pip. It was perfect timing because it is really starting to hit me that he is gone. When I came home from work to a dark house, no Pip to greet me at the door after a bad day. Ugh ...

    All these lovely posts and comments from Pip's friends are really helping so much! I will be forever grateful for all of the support from around the blog world. I am humbled by how many lives Pip touched. I always tried to be true to his spirit when writing his posts - he really was one in a million, sweet, hopeful, happy, funny and determined.

    Best, Kristin (Pip's Assistant)

  11. What a wonderful post. You couldn't have said it better

  12. We'll miss Mr Pip...he always gave us a good laugh.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  13. Shyla looks so confident and beautiful in these pictures:)

    We are so sad about Mr.Pip passing. He will be so missed.

  14. What a beautiful tribute to Pip. Funny thing, Bert was watching as I pulled up every picture of Shyla. He never looks at the computer but he was glued to it tonight.

  15. I so agree! I've been really sad since learning the news about Pip, but I also know that he wouldn't want that. It brings home our own loss from this year, too, and then I see our new little mischief maker, and I know that we do indeed shine on. I remember that to appreciate great happiness, sometimes we also have to know deep sadness. It's just hard to believe that these dogs we've loved so deeply are gone.

  16. Such a lovely tribute to Pip.

    Shyla has the most captivating amber eyes.

  17. Love the moon picture. Our two really help us shine on after the tough summer we had last year. I can't believe it has been a year already since Millie joined us to bring the smile back to our lives.


  18. We all shine on, when we are ready, like the moon (beautiful shot!) and the stars and the sun...

  19. What a beautiful post! You always put words so perfectly, KB.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  20. KB - thanks for this quote. I hope that I can shine on one day....for now, I do my best. You would like after 19 months after losing my precious son, things would be better. Sadly the wound just never heals. But I do believe that my son's spirit shines on - and that I have to breathe for him now. I love that sweet Shyla continues to bond with you as you grow closer each day!!! It makes me smile always!!!!

    Take care (and sorry I have been mia),

    Diane and Indy Bones

  21. How true - having lost my Apples 3 years ago yesterday, it seemed as though nothing was bright. But as time went on, my love for golden Neeli increased and now Elle has joined the fold too.

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  22. shyla has really filled out! shine on!

  23. I have been gone from the blogging world for a long time, so I don't know if you even remember me. But, I finally found my password again, and am checking in on old friends. I didn't know about K's passing, so let me extend my condolences now. It's so hard to lose one we love as much as I know that you loved K.

    Shyla is beautiful, and I'm looking forward to getting to know her. I don't know if I'll start blogging again, but I do plan to keep better track of my old blogging friends from now on.

  24. Read about Pip, sad...
    You still have snow???? Great Pictures of Shyla in the snow

  25. Hi Y'all!

    That was a beautiful post.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  26. Lovely post. The light shines through in your photos. That last sentence is so true and yet sometimes so difficult. It's not always easy to love again, no matter how much you know and tell yourself that it's worth the risk. Hard but hopefully not impossible.

  27. Deeply moving and with expression from the heart for those no longer with us.

    Your posts embrace each new day and may Shyla delight all of us through your amazing photography.

    Luv from Kirra -x-


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