Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Huge Breakthrough for Shyla

Something extraordinary has happened. Shyla, who was so afraid of strangers and most of the world when she arrived with us 14 months ago, has become a rambunctious outgoing dog!
We went to a training class yesterday, one that we haven't attended since before the floods. As soon as we arrived at the park where the class was being held, I could tell that Shyla was happier and more outgoing than I've ever seen in her in town. She didn't shy away from the screaming children in the parking lot or the stroller that we passed as we exited the car. In fact, she handled many of her former fear triggers (even skateboards!) incredibly smoothly throughout our time in that park. Unbelievable!

Then, when we arrived in the training group, Shyla acted like a rambunctious Lab puppy, desperately wanting to meet every person. When a person paid attention to her, she almost wiggled out of her skin with happiness. In fact, my biggest training issue was preventing her from jumping on people!
It was truly incredible to watch Shyla. I knew that she was acting goofy and out of control. However, honestly, I didn't care that she was being "badly behaved". I was too busy being thrilled to see the real Shyla finally shine through. I always knew how loving she is but I was never sure, until now, that she'd find the courage to show her true nature to people who she didn't know well.

I give my trainer tons of credit for this breakthrough. My trainer taught me about never forcing Shyla to "face her fears" but rather teaching Shyla that she always had the choice of retreating if she felt scared. It's a whole new way of training fearful dogs, and it really works! It lets the fearful dog decide how fast they want to learn about the world. It puts the process in their control.
We went to town again today for my physical therapy appointment, and I saw that yesterday was no fluke. Shyla was a social butterfly, wanting to make friends with everyone in the waiting room. I started the "next phase" of training which is to teach Shyla how to have "appropriate interactions" with people. Because she hasn't wanted to approach strangers until now, I haven't yet taught her how to behave when she meets people. It seemed today as if she will learn fast. Sitting earns her lots of pats while acting like a wild puppy makes people back away. She was sitting like crazy by the end of today, wanting people to pat her!

I am so proud of my girl. She's faced her demons and she's come so far. And, in the process, she's won my heart completely.

Last, but not least, I want to send the Power of the Paw to our friend Tweedles. She has been very sick, and we want to lend our hearts in support of her and her family. Stay strong, Tweedles, we are all with you. We took this photo especially for you...


  1. That is so awesome!! Good for Shyla, and good for you for helping her out. You knew she could be great, and now she knows it too.

  2. Congratulations on a wonderful update on Shyla!

    Thank you for supporting Tweedles!

  3. It just shows you what a wonderful spirit dogs have! With proper nurturing a dog can become so much more than we give them credit! Yay Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  4. I'm sure having you by her side to support her makes a world of difference for Shyla! We are praying for Tweedles too.

  5. I know you are so thrilled for Shyla. You have a smart trainer!

    Oh, and be sure to tell Shyla that she gets a LOT more treats now. (that's from Sage :) )

  6. I know you are so thrilled for Shyla. You have a smart trainer!

    Oh, and be sure to tell Shyla that she gets a LOT more treats now. (that's from Sage :) )

  7. That is awesome! Congrats to you!

  8. What a wonderful update of Shyla's progress-she is amazing!!! I am so proud of her and so impressed with your commitment :) and thank you for letting us know about sweet Tweedles-I went over to offer support. What a lovely little dog and human over there...thank you! Xoxo

  9. So happy to read about Shyla. Our dog Maggie is a fearful dog too and we've gone through a similar experience - she makes baby steps everyday towards letting her true labby self out. And it's hard to discipline her when you are just so happy seeing her be a DOG...FINALLY!!
    Continued good luck and success!

  10. Yay, Shyla! Maybe that time away from class made her miss it and the attention just a bit. Way to go, Shyla! We're all so proud of you!

  11. A while back, a friend got a pup that looked a lot like Shyla, but she was scared too. My friend said she was quite sure she would never be able to do anything with her. Boy, did that turn out to be a happy ending. This is just for people who feel sort of hopeless about their dogs and need some encouragement!


  12. I'm so happy for Miss Shyla and her wonderful mom :) She's a beautiful soul.

  13. WooooHoooo!!! Way to go Gurl!!!
    I can just picture your happy happy hinnie waggin' that long tail of yours!!
    Oh, and if your trainer figures out how to get you to 'behave appropriately', don't tell my Ma...
    Ruby ♥

  14. We are thrilled!

    Stop on by for a visit

  15. Awesome news! Your patience and putting her needs first has paid off and now you and Shyla can reap the rewards. I am so thrilled for both of you:)
    The photo of Shyla with her head on her paws on the rock says it all. Those eyes...

  16. Wow! A big congratulations to you and Shyla! We are so happy for you two. Beamer is still extremely selective of who he likes, but will tolerate most things. I can tell he's uncomfortable in certain situations (seniors with canes or walkers petting him) and looks to me for comfort and reassurance.

    Keep up the great work! You're so lucky to have yet another heart dog :)

  17. Shyla, we're thrilled that you're shining through!

    Bart, Ruby and Otto

  18. Oh this is such great news. Like Bisonwriter said that last picture of Shyla tells such a story. A beautiful girl is blooming. P.s. Bison writer was the one that got us our Gracie and helped us get Molly our foster dog from 2 yrs ago. Small world ay??? Smiling for you and your girl. Congrats. :)

  19. We think Shyla was waiting for just the right moment- when she felt safe to show you her true colors!
    Total amazing. Reading about her progression- bring tears to our eyes- so happy.
    And we also thank you for the sweet words you shared about out Tweedles and all the love you give to her.
    She loves you-- we love you too,
    Sorry we have been missing sometimes.
    Thank you again, and way to go Shyla.
    tweedles mommy- georgie

  20. I'm so proud of her, and of you! Good job, both of you ^^

  21. It seems crazy to say this, but I'm so happy Shyla now has to learn how to greet people properly. It is much better to have a pup want to meet people and be enthusiastic about it then not be able to have them interact because they are too scared. Way to to KB and Shyla. You both have done amazing work.


    P.S. Walter was flattered that you ladies were swooning over his picture on Sunday

  22. Beaming ear to ear at this wonderful news. Huge pats to Shyla, and congratulatory high-fives to you and your trainer -- this is just awesome!

  23. We are SO happy for Shyla and for you!! Great! We are sending prayers for Tweedles as well.

  24. Wonderful news. Guess dog owners are the biggest believers in the old maxim that time cures all things. Including shyness !

  25. We are so incredibly proud of you, Shyla! High fives to you!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  26. wow, that is wonderful news! hard work does pay off, and with your dedication shyla is now a well rounded hound! :)

  27. Great news, it's so cool that Shyla has gained her confidence and enjoys people so much! We are having the opposite problem with Toby and have no clue why. I wish your trainer lived in VA!

  28. That is so awesome that Shyla has "turned the corner" on her fears and shyness. It is interesting that even with limited "in-town" time due to the floods that she had no issue with being there and was actually happy to see strangers. Yay for Shyla!

    I wish Jimmy had a bit of fear of skateboards. They trigger something in his herding brain and he MUST control their movement more than any other moving object. And since a skateboarder can approach fairly silently, we often don't know one is coming until they zoom past. Then Jimmy goes nutso! Interestingly, bicycles that can also approach silently, provoke no reaction at all.

  29. Would you mind posting something on the training you did? I have a shy one at home, and I'd love to work with her in a way that works for her.

  30. I'm so proud of you, Shyla!! Way to go!

  31. Shyla has a great owner, too (besides the fabulous trainer). We will send our thoughts to Tweedle also.

  32. shyla is gorgeous! so glad she is feeling safe enough to be HAPPY!

  33. Howdy mates, what wonderful news. We're proud of you all. As always, we LOVE your photos. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  34. Bad behaviour never made me so happy! So thrilled she has learned people can be fun!

  35. Hi! Glad that Shyla does so good with her training. Vilja has some kind of that too.
    We took part last weekend in a huge international exihibition. Lots of dogs and people. She was some kind of stressed. She wanted only to stay in her Cage. But I trained her to walk around all this noise and fuzz. She did well. Only once she did go for a dog who came by....and she did well when the judge examined her...so we do some progres too

  36. Amazing Shyla, a credit to all and especially to you for overcoming such obstacles and showing what can be achieved.


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