Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Black and White Sunday

I've wanted to participate in Black and White Sunday on many occasions but I've had trouble figuring out what makes a compelling black and white photo. For this week, I tried a photo with lots of contrast. Bright sunlight was filtering through the trees behind Shyla and appears like bokeh in the photo.

I like this one better than my past attempts but I'm still learning. I find myself wondering how Ansel Adams lived without color!
Happy Black and White Sunday!


  1. That's the beauty of B&W Sunday. It's a nice challenge! Yours is a lovely photo!

  2. That's lovely! I think high contrast is key to B&W. It's one of the reasons why I love B&W's of Nola; her dark body with light face mask is built in contrast.
    Nola's MOm

  3. Perfect B&W KB....Shyla with bokeh....looks just fine to me.


  4. In living color or black and white, Shyla is a beauty!!!

  5. I've not tried the black and white challenge, but your perfect photo inspires me to want to try!

    I hope your day is ending on a good note!!

  6. Perfect shot. I love the background. I know what you mean about no color though. LOL

  7. That's a pretty great photo!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Beautiful picture. I find I am more drawn to Shyla's face without the distraction of color.

  9. What a beautiful shot. She looks like a black lab:) Lee and Phod and their Lady

  10. Super photo, lovely focus, Shyla glows in colour or B&W. Greetings, Jean.

  11. Shyla looks beautiful in black and white and in color! Sorry I haven't been around much this week....mom has been working a lot lately.

  12. don't underestimate your effort. A great black and white photo must be compelling and have a raw, stripped to its bare soul element that moves you with its intensity and contradictory fullness. Your photo of Shyla has that!

  13. Pawfect!!! Then agains, how could you go wrong with a subject like that??! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  14. What a wonderful photo! Shyla is beautiful every way there is- color or no color.
    Thanking you again and again for all your love and caring for little Tweedles.
    Sorry we have not had time to visit much-
    We love you all
    tweedles mommy and tweedles

  15. Great shot! I bet it looks great in color too.

    I don't know what you use to process your pictures but I have to confess that I get some help converting to B&W. I process my pictures in Lightroom and use Google Nik Collection addon software to convert to B&W. http://www.google.com/nikcollection/ That software is compatable with Photoshop too and is good for other image processing tasks. Of course you also have to start with a good picture that has potential to convert well to B&W.


  16. First off...I have never seen a bad picture on your blog...ever! This picture of Shyla is beautiful! Honestly, I just love the pretty color of her fur...and you catch many great shots with the sun shining on it!

  17. Oh my! I think it is just incredibles! There could nevers be a bad foto of Shyla.
    Howevers, I not looks good in B&W.


  18. You are just as beautiful in black and white, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Next week have a go at the real black dog, Prince R!

    Shyla looks wonderful in any color.



  20. I can't imagine living without colors either. Oh wait, I'm black and white myself..

  21. Hi Y'all!

    Love the contrast. Great B & W!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  22. Beautiful, its not often you use black and White, but its really great


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