Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's Here!

Old Man Winter blasted into our neck of the woods last night. We went out this morning to visions like this one.
It was cold, very cold, for a body not accustomed to winter weather. I thought that I'd worn enough layers for snowbiking but the 10°F bitter air pierced my armor and gave Shyla a cute beard and eye brows.
A dog like Shyla is the best companion on a day like today. It would be easy to be grumpy about the uncomfortable cold but her enthusiasm was contagious. She led the way on every trail, greeting winter with joy.
It was snowing lightly throughout our ride. Shyla loves snow!
She cavorted like the young dog she is.
Whoa, check out that landing. I just happened to be clicking away with my camera when she took the leap. I have to admit that seeing this photo made me cringe, worrying about an injury. But, I need to remember that she's young and resilient.
It's so hard to believe that this is Shyla's second winter with us. It seems like just yesterday that I met her. I think she's come to love the Rocky Mountain lifestyle.
Because the storm started out warm before the temperatures plummeted, the snow stuck to everything, making beautiful sculptures. It was very hard for me to stay still for long enough to take careful photos (because I was so cold). But, near the end of our ride, I stopped for a few closeup photos. Here is one of a wildflower skeleton covered in snowflakes.
I guess that the season has turned! I will mentally try to turn the page to my winter state of mind, when 10°F is not really very cold. And, I'll enjoy sitting next to the crackling fire after being outside.

We have a lot going on in the near future so my posting may be erratic. In the meantime, I hope that you are all warm and happy!


  1. well, i'll not complain about our prolonged highs in the 40s that starts tomorrow, then. :)

    shyla is adorable.

  2. Beautiful frosty photos! 15F when I got up this morning, but no snow. So happy to see the sun - makes all the difference!

  3. Santa Shyla with her beard and eyebrows:) How mine would love that snow. Not me, I am not a fan of the cold, but a crackling fire sounds inviting.

  4. The snow is beautiful.
    It is a pleasure to watch Shyla from the side of the computer!
    She is so much a snow baby.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  5. Shyla looks so happy! I think snow is beautiful......looking at it from the inside :0) We are supposed to get that same storm tonight. We'll see if it holds together overnight.

  6. Awesome, awesome photographs of a beautiful girl!!

  7. My god that's so cold. I don't think I've ever been in temps that cold!
    Nola's Mom

  8. I know you were cold, but the pictures are beautiful. Shyla looks to be having such a good time.

    Anne and Sasha

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing our two in the snow but I can do without temps that low.


  10. We have no snow at all, but very chilly temps from 15-30. I will be happy for some deep snow, its a good insulator and doesn't seem so cold when we have it. Your snow is very pretty!

    Shyla is so beautiful and full of life's joy!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  11. Oh I wish I could turn my Winter mind on, but I am having a hard tiem doing that this year. Right now we are having strong strong winds bringing the wind chill way down. but, there is always tomorrow .... right ....

  12. Oh Shyla loves the cold, cold!
    We have cold too

  13. Makes momma huddle under her afghan just looking at the photos; they are lovely but cannot hide the bite that accompanies the beauty. We have cold and rain in Albuquerque, not as pretty but awesome in its own dramatic way. Stay warm and enjoy your wonderland.

  14. What a beautiful sight! I don't know that I'm ready for a winter state of mind, but we're suppose to get our first snow tomorrow, so I don't have a choice.

    Don't you just love dog's enthusiasm with the snow? :)

    Shyla looks like she is having a blast!!

  15. Yep! Cold in L.A. - 60's! With rain! The newscasters always say stuff like STORMWATCH. You'd crack up!

    Sending you a fragrant virtual eucalyptus log for your fire!

  16. 10°F IS cold! We rarely get below 32° and think that's cold.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  17. Gorgeous photos! Well, it definitely looks like she has adapted to the season!

  18. Wow! Can't believe the snow you have and we are still snow less up here....brrr

  19. Nice photos of Shyla. I like the 3rd one down.

    I love her colour in the full daylight - beautiful...


  20. It looks like that snow makes you jump higher and run faster. Are there wolves in your area?

  21. Who couldn't get used to that Rock Mountain lifestyle- surrounded everyday by such stunning natural beauty?

  22. You, my friend are way braver than me. 10?? I would be at the fire waiting for it to warm up before going outside. Beautiful shots though.

  23. We love snow just as much as you do, Shyla, but 10 degrees is cold! brrrrrrr

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  24. Nothing like a Colorado mountain winter. Sometimes I miss living there, it's so beautiful. And so are your photos! Shyla looks great. She sure has come a long way. So happy for you both.

  25. Oh, you did really get some snow....Lovely Winter Pictures.
    Have a great weekend!

  26. You certainly captured the beauty winter brought in, even if you haven't fully captured the spirit yet. I admit, it would be harder for me to enjoy it if I didn't have one of the dogs with me, too! Your photos today are gorgeous!

  27. You got Shyla in some great pics! Going to be winder here again.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. Love the landing. We are preparing for snow again tonight. The stuff we had gotten several weeks ago all melted. I fear this stuff may stay. I guess it is better than the freezing rain we have today!

  29. Hi Y'all!

    If y'all haven't figured it out by now, I'm catchin' up on your happenings since my last visit.

    Shyla looks amazingly different than the dog you brought home.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. You have much colder weather than me and I haven't had snow yet, but I knew what you meant about "winter state of mind"...I am trying. Sam

  31. Wow that's amazing! I realize you did were probably Not Happy standing in the freezing cold taking the skeleton photo, but it was definitely worth it! Look what a great photo you got! :D

  32. Shyla is extremely athletic but I often cring at the things my dogs leap. If there is a path where Rush can leap off of something she will take it everytime. Dog's bring so much joy to every situation when they're well trained and socialized which Rono and Shyla definetly have been. You are doing so well. Those dogs want to learn new things all the time. They are both incredibly smart, teach them service dog jobs so they can help you out. Chronic pain like we have will never be gone so put the dogs to work. They will appreciate the extra training and being helpful. My Service dog Lotta Miracles is a walking MRI & Understands every thing you feel and say. Shyla will be like that if she isn't already.


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