Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Coyote Visage and Howl

This coyote visited our clearing yesterday, quietly trotting through and pausing under the birdfeeder. Needless to say, all the birds and squirrels instantly vanished when this canine appeared. I used my friend's incredible telephoto lens to capture his handsome visage. I feel like I can see his amazing intelligence in his eyes.
You may also enjoy hearing/seeing a coyote video that I captured last May. I posted it back then but it's become a favorite video. I hear the sound of coyotes howling so frequently but I almost never see them as they howl. A trailcam made that possible!

You can watch/listen here or at Youtube.
I love our coyotes and having them trotting through our clearing regularly. We mainly see them in the winter - so that's an upside to the consistently below zero temperatures recently!


  1. loved the video AND the photo. we get them around here - too much! :)

  2. Daisy ran under the desk, but Bella came out ready to take the coyotes on...

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. We hope the coyote has a safe winter. He is beautiful!

  4. Very interesting footage! As you say, it's rare to have an opportunity to see them while they are howling. Piper didn't even raise her head from her pillow. Which is a bit of a concern, really, as coyotes are a serious threat to the goats and other smaller animals here.

  5. Beautiful, that telephoto lens is so worth every $US of its cost. He speaks with his eyes, and the howling, they are so loud< I had no idea of what sound they could make. Greetings, Jean.

  6. So was there a second coyote in the background at the first of the video? I thought I saw eyes.

  7. That photo is such a great capture of the coyote, KB! I've never heard coyotes howl like that however, most of my experience is what I hear on TV. Interestingly, Taffy didn't even seem the least bit interested....but she whines when she sees a dog on TV :0)

  8. OMG that is amazing. I had no idea they howled like that. It is so loud and actually kind of beautiful in a way. Thank you for sharing this incredible post.

    Anne and Sasha

  9. Oh we love , love , love this about the coyotes and that photo- oh gosh!

  10. We often hear coyotes, but have never seen any.

  11. Beautiful. Our coyotes are skinny scrawny things

  12. What a handsome coyote!! An excellent recording.


  13. What a beauty. I would love a lens like that,

  14. Incredible photo captured!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. I loved the close-up of the Trickster but cannot hear the howl, much to my sadness!


  16. Wow , grat Picture...yes I could´nt Watch the video just now.
    Tyra is howling a lot now, she is pseudopregnant and long for puppies.....

  17. He is beautiful. I just want to reach out and touch that fur on his head. (Not that I would, of course!)

  18. Wow - what an upclose picture! Mom finds the howl of the coyote very eerie.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. GORGEOUS portrait!!! And the video is incredible! We have coyotes here; I love listening to their songs!

  20. such a beautiful close up!
    your film is awesome!!
    thank you.

  21. Hi Y'all!

    We have coyotes here, and wolves and foxes. The coyotes kill young calves, but slip away unseen. We can tell when these creatures are around because there are no squirrels or rabbits.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  22. We live right on the order of large open space in CA so this is a very familiar sound. We have a large pack of coyotes that live in the hills across the street. Don't see them when they howl since its nighttime usually, so this was a cool video. My guys mostly ignore them and the sound.


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