Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 22, 2013


It's a time of year when it can be hard to keep life calm and peaceful. Yet, our dogs can be wiser than us, still reveling in what they love to do and ignoring most of craziness.

R is a good role model in that regard, although he does create some of his own hubbub when he gets excited about a run or a hike. For R, excitement means barking. Loudly!
Shyla is becoming more used to the fact that life isn't always quiet and predictable. House guests will move in for little while. Groups come over for dinner. We go with us to other people's houses for outings. She's learning to roll with the changes, especially when everyone is nice to her.
Of course, we try to keep some parts of the dogs' routine the same, regardless of what's going on in our lives. Shyla nearly always gets to snowbike with me in the morning on the trails near our house, and R runs with the Runner on the trails.

Sometimes, we even see the boys of our pack out on the trails in the morning so the Duo can play together in the golden sunrise light.
The bond between the two dogs is still growing. There is so much play in our house, with them chasing each other, vying for toys, wrestling, and then snoozing together. It's a joy to see.

Here's to a peaceful winter season for everyone.
For the sake of my sanity, I'm going to keep trying to see as many sunrises with Shyla as I can. It is the quietest and most beautiful part of the day. It helps me face the future, as do your many kind comments like those that you left yesterday. Thank you.


  1. Hi!
    Great Pictures especially the last one. Yes you have great sunrise and sunsets.
    Here its time to go to bed, I am working tomorrow and then holidays coming.
    Ok, had a week just now. Been to field trial, check out my videos.
    Love Majsan//

  2. dogs bring such unbridled joy and laughter to us every day - along with the mud, hair, expenses, yada, yada. but such love...

  3. the rising of the sun sets the tone for the day…as does the sunset. i am fortunate that i can experience them both everyday…
    you have a very practical, healthy outlook, and know yourself well…you know what to do to keep yourself centered and grounded….i think of you often and am inspired by your strength.
    we got a nice little winter storm last night!

  4. Calm and peaceful, perfect bliss. Beautiful photos KB, you have an eye for the most wonderful shots. Hope decisions are going ahead, we are all here for you, with caring thoughts, faith and hope for success. Greetings from Jean.

  5. We wish you the most peaceful winter season also, KB. Such beautiful photos!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  6. Thank you for sharing the beauty around you. R and Shyla looks so happy together!

  7. I always love seeing your pictures of the duo together, and seeing R is like a visit from a rock star! His face seems different lately, a bit more distinguished than it was a year or so ago.

    I agree that trying to find peace and balance this time of year is really important. We struggle with the same thing and it's not easy by any means, but it's definitely worth it. I'm glad to hear that both of the members of the duo are handling the changes in life and doing well! :)

  8. Routine is a good thing, but so is a little excitement.

  9. Peace, love and hugs from all of us to all of you.

  10. We can learn so much from the dogs! Nola does the same barking (I call it screaming) when excited as R does.
    Nola's Mom

  11. We know all about this cuz last night our grand peeps came over then spent the night! It was a long time before we had piece again!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  12. I'm so sorry about your neck and shoulder. I admire you for how well you're handling it. And I check your blog every day --- it warms my heart.

  13. KB - I am so sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery - I am sure that each one of those you have had before comes with different risks, and you go thru those stages each and every time. I am so glad you have your amazing pups with you to brighten even the hardest of days. I have grown to hate this time of year as my grief deepens at missing my son. But....my hope is that our loved ones (and pets) are rejoicing in heaven and they are in our hearts forever! I do take comfort in that. And of course, my lab Indy is such a comfort to me, his presence in my life is a true gift from God.

    I wish you a peaceful holiday, filled with love, good friends, beautiful sunrises, and sweet slobbery kisses from your pack!


    The Taylors from Baltimore MD
    RIP Jonathan Paul Daily
    4/25/87 - 3/1/12

  14. I think keeping consistency in the home is good too otherwise I may get nervous. Glad to hear you guys have such a bond

  15. We hope the New Year will bring many beautiful sunrises to share with Shyla.

  16. I don't know if you know this but when I visit your blog, I am always filled with such a profound sense of peace and calm. I wish you well in your surgery and hope you travel through your emotional stages quickly. And I wish you a beautiful Christmas filled with love. And I hope the New Year brings you everything wonderful and good.

    Warm regards,
    Leslie and Bella

  17. I don't like change much...it makes me nervous and then I drool like no dachshund should ever drool! Mom is praying for you and I am keeping my paws crossed too. I know that you will recover from the surgery quickly. I am sorry you have to go down that road though. I'm also sorry I haven't been commenting. Mom is busy with work and preparing for Christmas and even though I read your posts every day, I don't always have time to leave a comment.

  18. I am happy to hear that Shyla can handle visits to and from people she doesn't know well!

    Also you do such a great job of learning from your dogs, I hope I can do that one day.

  19. Hi Y'all!

    Sunrise and sunset, no matter the time of year, they are so different, each one.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  20. Blessings to you all. Peace of sunset is appealing.

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