Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Dedicated to R

The Duo and I have been catching the sunset light for the past few days during our afternoon hikes. I love playing with them in the forest. The sunset light filters softly into the trees, creating spots of golden light within the dusky forest.
I find myself so grateful for R - he's the stalwart older brother in the pack. He's still silly and crazy but he's also found his serious side.
Shyla's eyes are often on him, taking cues about how to handle situations.
Most of the time, he's a great teacher, except the rare occasion when he teaches Shyla something bad, like his habit of barking full-blast whenever arriving someplace fun (fortunately, Shyla does this one only when with R, and not without him). But, one of the things that R is best at is showing Shyla that things that spook her really aren't scary at all.
So, I am dedicating Thankful Thursday to R. I love him.


  1. What a great and beautiful big bro. Shyla is a lucky girl!

  2. Beautiful photos and beautiful dedication to such a fine looking fella! :)

  3. Great pictures!!! I fixed my blog so that you don't have to do the dumb verification. =)

  4. You are such a handsome boy, R!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  5. Kudos to you R! And you are so handsome while you do it all.

  6. Great photos! R is a good model!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Big brothers are great--most of the time.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. Well, you know that I'm an R fan and I love seeing his pictures! It's not that I don't adore Shyla, but there's a certain something about him that I've always been quietly drawn to.

  9. What s joy he must be to have in your family . I always smile when I see his pixture. Then your story tells what a good big brother he is to shyla

  10. such a handsome guy and an imperfect teacher…:)

  11. Hi KB! W wanted to tell you that I finally got to go for a short hike the other day. I was so thankful, and I was smiling the whole time, but I wouldn't let mom photograph me. The smile was only for her - and for you because you now how good it feels to go outside with someone who loves you even if you don't feel 100%!

    Your friend,


  12. It is so wonderful to have such companions as you do. Beautiful shots again.

  13. This is a wonderful dedication to R!!!

  14. Your photographic skills are so impressive. getting such good photos of a black dog is rare and you seem to catch his beautiful eyes and the highlights of his face and coat every time.

    What a beauitful dedication to him too.

  15. What a sweet comment from Bart the Rottie !

    I love my Stella, but I also love a bunch of other dogs and R is fairly much up there on the list. As R's Publicity Person, I appreciate this kind of post featuring our guy. You taken him to see Santa Claus yet?

    Cheers and Hugs,
    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  16. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE that R!! What a great big brother. I'm sure K is smiling down on your pack. :)

  17. I learned a new word today; stalwart. I'm going to try to use that in a sentence tomorrow :)

    As for R, he sounds like an amazing mentor. The pictures you took of him seem to capture his personality perfectly.

    Although Charlie is Beamer's younger brother (my sister's dog), Beamer takes cues from him as well when he's in stressful situations. Charlie is a lot more outgoing than Beamer is. Once Beamer sees that Charlie is having fun, he wants to get in on it and opens right up.

  18. One totally super dude!! You can see by his face he is so loved, and enjoys every moment with you in that wonderful place you live. Dedication indeed, it shows in every photo, and for R, well done to him too. Greetings from Jean.

  19. Awwwwe, I just loves R...not just cuz he be handsome...but he is smart and total fun balls.
    It's funny how we dogs can learn from udder dogs.


  20. He is just so beautiful. R has the loveliest eyes.
    I have tried to get a second dog by arguing that an slightly older brother or sister could help Toby learn to play with us but no dice. Yet.

  21. Perfect thing to be thankful for. He is such an awesome dog.

  22. You are beautiful R. And a good role model for sissy

  23. That's one of the wonderful things about having a big brother. Mine taught me a lot about those scary things too--I sure miss him.

  24. I love the duo!!! Shyla has grown to be such a wonderful, well adjusted pup. I miss having two mid-size dogs but wouldn't trade Hunter for the world. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas; may all your hopes and dreams come true. Praying for healing on your neck and back.

  25. He looks like a great guy. Shyla can be proud to have him .
    Great pictures

  26. He is beautiful in the sunlight! I love seeing R's pics. Sometimes he looks so serious and other times he looks like a big goofball!

  27. So great to know that you love R too. I'm really curious to get a dog (wish that day could come sooner!) and find out if developing that bond is easier with a dog than it has been for me with my guinea pig.

  28. Hi Y'all!

    Just taking an early morning quiet time to catch up with y'all!

    Hawk aka BrownDog


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