Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Last Idyllic Desert Day

Although we were in the desert for a week, it turned out that we had only two sunny days - the first two days.
At that time, we didn't know that multiple events, including the weather, were about to turn against us.

Shyla high-fived at sunset on our second day. We all thought that we'd hit the weather window absolutely perfectly.
And, she gazed to the horizon. I think that the colors of the red rock desert complement a chocolate Lab's fur and golden eyes beautifully. In fact, the painting of Angel K, shown in the upper right sidebar, was created by Kathleen Coy based on a desert sunset photo of her.
At the west end of K's Rock, the sky turned sublime colors after the sun had gone to bed.
And the dried wildflowers, which we saw in bloom when we camped there back in May, looked pretty against the backdrop of the orange sky.
After dark, the sky was still clear, and I took multiple photos, over about 30 minutes, to create "star trails" around the North Star. I combined all the short exposures to make the photo below. The meteor that I showed you in a previous post streaked through the sky while I took these many exposures.
I never cease to be astounded by the beauty of our Earth. Can you believe that our sky puts on a show like that one every clear night? I wish that I could be in the desert for even more incredible starry nights!

The next day was when things changed - our weather luck and our LabMobile luck. We made the best of it, but there were no more warm, relaxing, and idyllic days. More about that in a future post.


  1. uh oh. here comes the 'unexpected' part of the adventure. sure was pretty while it lasted. :)

  2. That is one of my favorite high five photos of Shyla. Your star picture is gorgeous. I was thinking as I looked at it that I never realized how differently colored the stars were until seeing them like that.

  3. I love the Utah desert too. It is such a treat to see your travels down there as it has been so long since I have had the chance to be there.
    I am curious about "The Rest of the Story" It sounds like it might be cold, muddy, wet and trouble. I will tune in tomorrow to find out.
    Bert and My Vickie

  4. Do we have to wait till tomorrow for the next instalment? this is such a tease. Wonderful start trails, and that night sky, with Shyla waving, all truly telling us of your happy days there. K would be up there, rejoicing in you visiting her rock again. Greetings from Jean.

  5. O.M.D.! Such beauty! I loves Shyla's pic and the high-five!! I use my same paw!! BOL
    And that last photo...WOWS!
    Love it.
    Thanks for sharin'....
    Ruby ♥☺

  6. Your awesome photos of the desert remind me every time of why I so love living in this part of the country.

    We DID share the same front and it is VERY cold for us (11 degrees F in ABQ is not typical)! But the mountains are beautiful, glistening and white capped.

  7. Hope everything is alright! The pictures are beautiful.

  8. My husband and I often read your blog together...your pics are so awesome!! We love the gorgeous red rocks and Shyla's special High Five!! That SKY! Oh my goodness!!! Awesome! We look forward to the rest of the story too!

  9. Totally amazing! Just look at those beautiful pictures once again. But, your stars.... they are out of this world! (no pun intended.)

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  10. Wow, the colors in those first few pictures are incredible! The beauty of the desert is truly staggering. Love the high five shot, too!

  11. Oh, we crossed paths in the red rock again! We must have been heading out as you came home...

    What incredible twilight photos you've captured... and that meteor shot... WOW!!!

    Were you Behind The Rocks for the sunset photo? That's one of our favorite camping spots!

  12. Beautiful! Very nice Pictures you show us of the Lovely places you go to.

  13. Oh oh, bad weather and vehicle luck? Not good. I am always amazed at how blue the sky is in the desert, especially later in the year. I have had people ask me if my photos are enhanced to bring out more blue. Nope, that's just the way it is there.

  14. Amazing shots! Makes me want to jump in the car and head east. (I'm in LA) Just stunning.

  15. Such stunning photos! And they made me feel warm! :)

  16. The pictures are amazing and a true reminder of what a beautiful world we live in and how lucky we are to be able to enjoy it!

  17. I love your star trails, and the shooting star makes this one really outstanding!

    Shyla is gorgeous in any light! :)

  18. High five right back atcha, Shyla!
    Beautiful photos, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Hi Y'all!

    Amazing and wonderful!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  20. All of your photos are stunning but that last one of the star trail capturing the meteor is incredible.
    I'm pleased to read you are starting to pick up again, long may it stay that way. I also am like you and look forward to the Solstice.
    You have inspired me to actually get round to buying a trail cam Bushnell Trophy HD Max no glow led, I look forward to seeing what it captures. And your night photography has also inspired me to get out there and learn the art to.
    Thanks for your incredible posts.


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