Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 10, 2014

A Long Day

R wants to say thank you for all the well wishes. He's in the "rest, rest, and then rest some more" phase of recovery. He's pretty good at napping right now. Just wait a few weeks until he becomes an uncontrollable black tornado!
He wears the cone only when he's unsupervised because nothing else can keep him from nibbling on the toe part of his thick bandage. And, to be honest, he has the type of personality that is not bothered by a cone. By contrast, when Shyla has "needed" a cone, the vets have hesitated to have her wear one due to her sensitive personality. It's amazing to see the difference in personality between two distantly related Labs.

We had another long day of medical stuff. My head is spinning. Do I get my shoulder or my neck fixed first? I have shoulder surgery scheduled for next week but that might change. The latest recommendation is to have one or two more tests early next week before surgery. To be perfectly honest, I just want to make a decision and then get comfortable with it - so I'm mentally ready for the challenge of surgery. But, it seems that my case is so complicated that the decision will be in the 11th hour.

At least I had a brief time in the sunshine with Shyla this morning before we got in the car for our medical odyssey. She makes me smile and laugh no matter what!
The whole pack accompanied me on my heavy schedule of doctor appointments today (R had to come with us so that he could get his meds on schedule, and he snoozed the day away in the back of the car). I feel so lucky to have such a supportive pack behind me.


  1. Poor R! I hope this part doesn't last long, for either of you!

  2. R, you look very rested in spite of the cone, soon, soon, it will be off and you will be well on the way to 100%. KB, hope the decisions are made, for you, soon, soon. Once that is done, things should seem a little brighter. Shyla, those ears!!! What a great pair to have for comfort on long days, Greetings from Jean

  3. R- just keep resting and take some dream time to think about when your all better - you will be romping again..
    And KB,, we understand your head is spinning,, You just want to get it done so you can start getting better. Will you let us know when your surgery is scheduled for?
    tweedles and moms

  4. Good for Shyla. You need to have some moments of laugher!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. How nice to have the whole pack with you through this tough day!

  6. Love and support is the absolute best!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  7. anticipation and uncertainty are troublesome….breathe deep and often…thinking of you and the pack.

  8. Thankyou for updating us. Healing thoughts for R, well done for Shyla coping with going to all your appointments, best wishes to the Runner and of course to you KB.
    Hang in there.

  9. Whew, in all the craziness that has been our new year thus far I hadn't visited in a while, and look what happened! R had surgery, you posted about recalls, and your surgery is scheduled - and I missed your black and white bobcat photo until today!
    You've been even busier than me it seems :)
    So glad to see R at home and resting peacefully. KB best wishes to you as decisions are made and of course on surgery day. Snuggle the Labraduo after, that will be good medicine.

  10. Poor guy - I hope he has a speedy recovery. You too!

    Monty and Harlow

  11. I am with you on just wanting decisions made so I can plan and prepare. I hope you can decide early in the week and get to the doing phase of it all.

    Poor R, we hope he is resting comfortably!

  12. Sure looks like R is handling his boo-boo really well. He's such a good boy, especially with wearing the Cone of Fame :)

    We sure hope that you can figure out your surgery soon so that you can be at peace with the decision. The unknown is the worst.

    Hang in there friends.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  13. Let's hope that R recovers really quickly. Awww! Sweet doggie!


  14. Oh wow! So much happening in your life right now. I seem to have missed out on so much. Thoughts and warm, healing wishes coming your way.
    Lotsaluv too.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Saying prayers for both you and R.
    Seeing Shyla in the sunshine was just the beautiful image we needed to see today. Thank you!

  17. Its great to see Our Prince at home and resting well. I hope your Docs aren't planning to flip a coin for you, but it does kind of sound that way!

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Crazy Boy. Hoping all works out just perfectly.

    Cheers and hugs,
    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  18. Ohhhh I want to hug R!!!!
    We had a great day outdoors , Trym and Vilja did a 1 hour hunt/trainig.
    Yesterday Trym got a visit from a Lovely dachshundslady....tomorrow second mating. I am very proud to get inquiries about to use Trym. He is now double hunting champion so of course he is interesting.

  19. Oh R...you look so calm and peaceful there with your cone! I prefer the collar constrictor, other wise I kinda freak that I can't see the tree rats easily...bol
    I'm sure glads that your gettin' all the help from your pack, and that Shyla is keepin' a smile on your face, cause, well, that is what us doggies do best, right?!
    Paws crossed over heres!
    Ruby ♥

  20. Howdy mates. Sending R smoochie kisses to get well soon. Having the support of family is wonderful. You have that and more mates. Love the photo of Shyla. She's a beauty helping you smile while you are going through so much. Take care. We're thinking of you all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  21. Sending all good thoughts for healing for you and R! Much love to both of you. :)

  22. You are dealing with the "surgery" word too. My mom can relate about mind is spinning.We are sending you both Lots of Golden Healing Thoughts. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  23. I don't think I realized you were facing two surgeries on you. I have faith they will do what is best for you. So you just have to stay strong and keep dreaming of getting back out on that bike. And keep dreaming of getting drawn for The Wave! Fingers crossed...


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