Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Snowy Day in Colorado

A snowy day in Colorado...
It's also very cold, with my thermometer reading 6°F when I started my snowbike ride with Shyla. It wasn't much warmer when we finished.
Shyla doesn't let anything get in the way of her joy.
I, on the other hand, have had a dark day with lots of pain. Perhaps tomorrow will be sunnier, both inside and out - like yesterday was.
R is such an amazing example of why dogs are great role models for me. He's almost always enthusiastic and joyful, even as he's recovering from a painful surgery. I strive for a spirit like his.


  1. i am sorry for your pain. i am glad they are there to make you keep smiling.

  2. Sorry you're feeling bad. :( Glad you have the pups!

  3. Pain that surges without being invited, relentless, makes for a grey day, but Shyla and her antics and R with his incredible spirit, will be with you through this, and will keep you warm, inside and out!!! Cheers from Jean

  4. Lovely Shyla in the beautiful snow. Here's hoping for a sunny tomorrow. Inside and outside.

  5. We all strive for a spirit like our dog's! Otto WILL NOT let me spend too long working at the commuter. After 5 hours or so, he'll come into my office and just start being naughty -- not bad, just naughty. He'll pick up a piece of paper and take it out into the hall, he'll pull stuffing out of an old dog bed...it's time for me to knock off for a while!!

  6. Were hoping that tomorrow is a better day for you also! You try so hard to look for the positive in everything,, you try to live your life to the fullest- you do not deserve pain. R- we love his attitude- nothing gets him down,, and Shyla- pure joy!

  7. I, too, am sorry about the pain, but thank you for writing and taking pictures. You bring a lot of joy to our lives. Bless you and good luck.

  8. I am so sorry for your pain...I suffer from it daily and just try hard to push past it. Glad that you have your pups to help you!! We really could learn from our pups!! LOVE that picture with the stick!! Hope you feel better real soon!! xo

  9. Yeesh! That -14°C for us. We never get that cold around here. Hope tomorrow is sunnier for you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  10. Hope you are feeling better today. Hope you get a lovely sunny day.

  11. We just love the picture with you and your stick and the snow falling all around you, Shyla!
    We hope you're feeling better today, KB.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Hoping that today will be a much better day all the way around.


  13. The photos showing Shyla's gorgeous chocolate colour against the pure white of the snow are just glorious!

  14. I hope you are feeling better today. Pain really sucks the life out of you. You need to come to the desert were it's warm. It's taken all my aches and pains away.

  15. OUR mom says we are her best teachers.
    stella rose

  16. I hear doggie snuggles are the best cure for ANY kind of pain. I know you're getting lots of medicine.

  17. What fun. Where are your boots Shyla

  18. That second picture with Shyla standing against the snowy trees is beyond gorgeous! Could almost make me love winter!

    Still sub-zero here but a little sunshine blesses us.

    Hope your pain alleviates!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  19. I sure hope the pain goes away soon! We are supposed to get snow in South Carolina today too.

  20. Brrrrr!!!! At least you can go back inside afterwards and warm up! :)

  21. Beautiful snow pictures!!!! Hope you guys stay warm inside!

  22. Wows!! All that snow looks so gorgeous!! butts, VERY cold!! BOL
    I hopes your Moms is feelin' betters real soon Shyla...pain is no funs at all!! I hear big slobbery kisses always helps!! hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  23. I know that I always have more pain when the day is grey and gloomy. There's something about sunshine that instantly makes me feel better. I'm sorry you're experiencing the same thing -- but clearly you don't deprive Shyla of even a moment of joy out in the snow, which is pretty fantastic of you! She looks just stunning against all that white.

  24. Feel better soon. Wonderful photos as always. Kathy

  25. So sorry you are having so much pain. We will keep you in our thoughts. It is a blessing to have Shyla and R . Pictures are great ..it sure does look cold but beautiful.
    Ernie and the furkid crew and Barb

  26. Two beautiful, joyful dogs. I hope you get to feeling better.

  27. Please take care of yourself KB ~~~ your spirit has touched us all and with that we pass it on to others. The world is one!


  28. Best wishes for both you and R. It's difficult to find reasons to smile when you receive bad news, but you've got the Duo and the Runner, and a beautiful place in the world, along with a great attitude of trying to make the best of everything.


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