Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Stitches out for R!

R finally had the stitches taken out of his elbow. That means that he doesn't need to wear a cone or a tee-shirt anymore. That's worthy of celebration!
He still has lots of rehab and healing to do. When he's standing around, he's not weighting his "surgical leg" very much yet. Fortunately, we have a way to quantify how much weight he's putting on each of his front legs... and it seems like a great way to monitor how his leg feels. According to the vet, R should be able to go running for short distances in four weeks if the healing goes as fast as expected.

Nurse Shyla is on duty, helping R to heal by snuggling with him.
They are such a sweet pair.
I know that Shyla won't be completely happy until R can run and play again. She's showing her sad face in the next photo.
I can't wait for that day!


  1. It won't be long before the healing is done and the pair will be running races again!

  2. Hi Y'all!

    What an adorable pair snugglin' there.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. so very sweet! glad he's doing well!

  4. Hooray for R, getting better faster.

    We are excited for the day the dynamic duo is out romping in the snow!

    How are you????

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  5. And we cannot wait for R to be able to run again too! Stitches out-- yay,, yay!! We are happy for him.
    Nurse Shyla is the best nurse ever- we have a feeling!

  6. A red-letter day for certain. I love looking at the duo snuggled in the same bed. Much the way our Golden Girls spent many hours.

  7. He's healing really well it sounds like!

  8. Those pictures of them snuggling is too precious.

  9. R, you are so good, and your own T shirt, who will wear it now with those shortened sleeves? Soon you and Shyla will be out there again together, meantime she is such good comforting company. Greetings from Jean

  10. I'm hoping it will be here soon! It sounds like he's being a very good patient so far!

  11. I am glad he is on the mend. I know Shyla will help R get back to normal when its time. They are so beautiful together.

    Anne and Sasha

  12. Hello R
    Glad to hear your on the road recovery and where sure you will running around with Shyla in no time :) Milo & Jet

  13. Thank Goodness all is going well. It will probably feel like a long four weeks, but just think how much closer to spring we will be! :)

  14. Those photos of the two of them snuggling are just too adorable for words!

  15. The two of you are so sweet together♥
    We are so happy that you're on your way to a full recovery, R!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  16. No CONE! That is cause for celebration!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  17. That's such pawsome news! Keep on healing R and before you know it, life will be back to normal.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    p.s. You've got the best nurse in the house!

  18. With nurse Shyla helping out, you should be around in no time

  19. They are such beautiful friends!
    stella rose

  20. R is SUCH a trooper. I'm glad to hear his recovery is going so well. And, those pix? Oh, my goodness. Super, crazy, off-the-charts sweet.

  21. We hope the happy healing keeps going quickly!

  22. I'm so glad to hear that R is healing well! The pictures of him and Shyla snuggling are priceless! What a bond they have :)

  23. Best friends snuggling... Awesome! Have taken lots of pics of our dogs and fosters snuggling. Glad R is doing well! Hope you are OK. Thinking of you both.
    Barb and the Clampet crew

  24. Hope he's fully healed and able to play soon. Those pics are so precious!

  25. Ditching the cone is WONDERFUL!! Heal well R!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. OMG, that are too cute! I can't stand it! R will be running in no time!

  27. So happy he got his stitches out, and that Shyla is taking such great care of him.

  28. Glad the worst is over. Shyla is such a good little sister.

  29. Congrats R! The two of them are so sweet together. I love seeing these shots of the two different shiny furs together.

  30. Nurse Shyla should get paid for her services. I'm sure R would not be feeling as good as he does without her :0)


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