Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Finding happiness - Shyla and Mr. Bobcat

I have to admit it. This surgery recovery is a lot harder than I anticipated. The fatigue is flooring me, and the pain isn't fun either.

I dragged myself out for a hike with Shyla this morning, feeling little enthusiasm for it. But, Shyla knows how to make me smile. She seems to sense when I need my spirits lifted, and she tries so very very hard to make me smile. This morning, she was running and jumping joyfully, and I soon felt happier. Look at her zest for life!
After playing together for a little while, we hiked to a trail camera, where I found some cool images. It's in a place where I've seen bobcat and mountain lion tracks many times in past years but there have been few cats there recently.

Then, a neighborhood dog helped my cause by dropping an elk femur in the far right of the camera's view (I have photos of the dog dropping the femur there but my policy is that I never publish photos of people or their dogs).

A bobcat was obsessed with the elk femur.

Walking directly to it...

Sniffing it...

Tasting it with an ecstatic look on his face...

Rubbing his body all over it for a couple of minutes...

Suddenly, in the midst of his obsession, he stared into the forest.

Looked around a bit...

And departed, while licking his chops.

Bye bye, Mr. Bobcat!

The combination of Shyla's amazing spirit and seeing photos of Mr. Bobcat had me feeling pretty happy by the end of our hike!


  1. my gosh, those are great shots! lucky for the neighbor dog's deposit!

    just make sure you're resting, too!

  2. Shyla and that bobcat- can do it for sure! Yay- you found some happiness!

  3. Truly a great combination for pain-free days, and gentle walks outside. Of all your photos of wildlife, the "bobcat" is my favourite in a huge way. Cheers to all at your home, Jean.

  4. I'm so sorry your recovery is dragging on like it is. I know that's not what you want. But being able to get out and watch Shyla having fun and the bobcat enjoying the femur is definitely helpful! Hopefully, healing progresses quickly in the days to come.

  5. Oh that is a smile making photo of Shyla. Love that. Wishing you all the best.

  6. This is very early in your recovery and I'm sure things will improve dramatically from here. I love the bobcat photographs. We have them here and they are such lovely animals.

  7. Dogs are the best therapy and medicine. What a gorgeous cat!

  8. HI Shyla
    Looks like your doing a pawesome job of lifting your dads spirit and the bobcat looks amazing :) Milo & Jet

  9. There is no better medicine on earth than the love and devotion of a dog. Those pics are wonderful...I love the one of the cat tasting the bone with an ecstatic look on his face.

  10. Amazing how animals can make our peeps feel good.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  11. What terrific Bobcat pix! Your outdoor cameras are really wonderful.

    Your pup is also wonderful, full of beans and good humor.

    You will be too, soon. Get more rest!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  12. Such gorgeous daylight pictures of the Bobcat!

  13. KB, so sorry to hear you're having a struggle in your recovery...hopefully these more difficult days will pass soon, as your body has time to do all the invisible, cellular-level work of repairing and building anew.
    That Shyla is a gift! I think Voltaire said something like "The art of practicing medicine is to keep the patient in a good mood while Nature affects a cure." Perhaps Dr. Shyla has been studying philosophy in her spare time?
    The bobcat images are fantastic, every one. Wowza!
    Here's something to make you laugh: all my laptop display settings are wonky, and when I started scrolling down, all I could see was the bobcat's rump. I got to the caption about the ecstatic look, and thought, "But...how can you tell?" Then I realized that the problem was definitely at my end! ;)

  14. I;m so glad that getting out lifted your spirits. The recovery sounds daunting.

    Mango Momma

  15. Shyla definitely looks like one very happy girl!

    The Bobcat reminds me of a domestic cat of my sister's, who suddenly seems to become worried that people are watching him when he's playing and has to act cool!

  16. A hike!! You better rest. The bobcat is beautiful. He looks so big in comparison to the one that lives nearby

  17. Those are awesome photos!! I love bobcats. They are an awesome animal, so beautiful.

  18. That Bobcat is so beautiful!! What great shots!
    And Shyla! I love her ears in that photo! I know without a doubt she senses your pain and is trying to help you feel better. Dogs just KNOW.

  19. That Bobcat is so beautiful!! What great shots!
    And Shyla! I love her ears in that photo! I know without a doubt she senses your pain and is trying to help you feel better. Dogs just KNOW.

  20. Wonderful Bobcat photos! As for Shyla, she is so beautiful. We just love the perfect synchronisation of her ears and paws!

  21. Love the photos of the bobcat! And, of course, Shyla! Hugs to you during your revoery!
    -Corbin's momma, Jenn

  22. Those are amazing photos. I hope you have a happy and healing weekend.

  23. A nice hike and a happy ending. Thank you.

  24. What great shots but our favorite is your action shot, Shyla! It's fabulous! We hope you feel better soon, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  25. What great pictures and an awesome find for Sir Bob! Wow!

    Sure hope you are feeling better soon...what a long process :(

    Tell Shyla and R to give you a big slurp from our gang!

  26. Wow, National Geographic has nothing on you! Give your body some time to rest and recover. Surgery is hard on it!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  27. What a beautiful cat. Remember you are now one day closer to being healed.

  28. Hi Y'all!

    Oh those bobcats are so interesting. Love the photo of Shyla jumping the log.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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