Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Glorious Sunrise

I didn't allow myself to hit "snooze" this morning because it was supposed to be sunny for the first time in days. Shyla and I hurried out the door, and we saw the sunrise this morning. It's amazing how fast the position of the sun is moving northward now. It was fun to see the sunrise between the two most prominent peaks to our east. Just last week, it was the the right of those two peaks.
It was cold, very cold. And the wind was blowing at sunrise. You can see the snowflakes in the air in the sunrise photo and around Shyla as she waved to me.
Neither Shyla nor I could stay still because our toes and fingers were freezing, so we kept moving while we enjoyed the dawn of the new day. Shyla looked like she was dancing!
We had a glorious snowbike ride. Finally, we had sunshine, and the trails are starting to be packed down enough for my fatbike to float without stalling out too often. Both Shyla and I were relaxed and happy when we arrived home.

R is still in the recovery phase from his elbow surgery so he was resting when we arrived home. Shyla knew exactly where she wanted to snooze - with her big brother, of course!
Their bond warms my heart.


  1. Oh my gosh! That last picture just melted me! They are so adorable!

  2. Your last photo of the Duo, one of the most touching. And the sunrise, down here the sun is further to the left, little by little, each week, and rising later, some mornings I even have to turn on the light!! Cheers from Jean.

  3. They do look beautiful together. That sunrise was stunning!

  4. That last picture warms my heart!

  5. Shyla DOES look like she's dancing! I love her snowy nose ;)

    I envy you your sunshine. Maybe I'll see some this week....

  6. I love that last picture especially :) Such sweeties!

  7. Has anybody mentioned how adorable those two cutie pups are cuddled together? (Only joking, everybody loves them)

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. What a special day for you both and the picture of the two pals is so beautiful.

    Anne and Sasha

  9. You hit the 'snooze button' sometimes? We NEVER let HER sleep late. SHE doesn't even use an alarm.

    We think early morning walks are the BEST.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  10. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww - the last picture is the best♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. The pictures of the duo snugged in and sound asleep always make me smile :)

  12. What a precious pair they make. :)

    The sunrise is beautiful and soon you'll have some warmer days to enjoy.

  13. I bet the sunrise after cloudy days was a joy! And those two....awwwwww.

  14. What a sweet pair of snugglers!

    And I thought of you yesterday -- one of the pups in the Puppy Bowl was named Shyla! She wasn't a lab, but she was still cute -- but nowhere near as beautiful as YOUR Shyla!

  15. Their bond is as warm and beautiful as that sunrise!

  16. I'm cold just thinking about your ride. What a cute picture of snuggling

  17. Hope the sun will come to us soon...Always cloudy you getting depressed I Think :-)
    Lovely Picture of the duo
    Hugs Majsan/

  18. That was a beautiful sun rise! I am waving back to Shyla!

    Your Pals Who Are Having A Birfday Today,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. Of course it warms your heart, and rightly so! These dogs are so lovely! I think if both my husband and I didn't have these darn allergies we would have at least one dog - I just love them too much.
    Your sunrise picture is so beautiful, and I love seeing Shyla waving at you.


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