Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Non-wordless Wednesday

Traditionally, Wednesdays are wordless. However, I cannot be mute today. Your support yesterday was overwhelmingly wonderful. Just so you know, I plan to go through official channels to rectify the situation, and I will let you know how it goes.
You, my friends and readers, are why this blog is so special to me. I am honored that take the time to read my posts, and that you share your experiences and support with me. Thank you.


  1. love this sweet nose-focus photo. :)

  2. Nose, paws, and those golden eyes, perfect. And officialdom, good decision, Hugs, Jean.

  3. Just don't bop anyone until you shoulder fully heals :)

  4. Good luck - we hope you are very successful!!!

    Love that sweet face:)

  5. Blogville is the best place in the world! Don't forget to stop by Friday for the link to the top secret pawty!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  6. We are honoured that you share your life with all of us! Best of luck!

  7. And we thank you for taking the time to top this thief in their tracks!
    We care too much about you- your blog- your dogs- and your life...
    to say nothing.

  8. Shyla looks as though she is ready to sniff out the culprit!!

  9. Love what you do with your blog.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Glad you are working to stop the thief of your pictures and we totally agree with Tweedles. Thank you for sharing with us. We look forward to visiting you.
    Ernie and the crew even the mom

  13. Good luck. I hope you get the pictures taken down.


  14. I have been away for a bit, but I hope all is well with you.

    Anne and Sasha

  15. I'd like to hear how it all goes and what happens.

    I got to wondering about the older pictures you say this person stole, was this before you started putting your name on them? Just curious.

  16. My first comment got away from me! All I said was that once she realizes the kind of trouble she creates, she just may leave the rest of us alone. Lets hope so anyway!



  17. I had to catch up and read yesterday's post to be able to comment on today's. It's strange that someone would steal your pictures of K and R (or pictures of anyone else's dogs, for that matter) and claim your dogs as their own.

    While she might not see "borrowing" your pictures as an issue, it still is. Stealing is stealing and you should report her using Facebook's process.

    Best of luck to you.

  18. We hope it gets sorted out quickly. Can't believe people steal other's work.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  19. Best of luck, KB! You are such a beauty, Shyla ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  20. Ugh. Just recently I saw the AO4 go through this. I've never found any Mango or Dexter thieves, but not even sure how I would look for them. Whatever person or persons are doing this, they have issues which are sad and unsettling. I hope that you are able to get some satisfaction from FB.

    Mango Momma

  21. We are always here for you (tho we don't always have time to leave comments these days.) I think you're doing the right thing!

    Thanks for your good thoughts for our Grandpa Bob.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  22. Blog friends are usually a wonderful resource for help! So glad you've rectified the situation….and oh my is that a lovely nose shot. :)

  23. It's because you share what's going on. Blogville is something else. One day at a time
    Lily & Edward

  24. That's what we are here for! To help each other, support each other and encourage each other in whatever ways we can. :)

  25. As much as I love the internet, it can be a strange, scary place. Hope FB takes the pics down quickly for you.

  26. We will be crossing all paws and hooves that FaceBook does the right thing by you.

  27. OoH dat foto of Shyla melts our hearts. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  28. Howdy KB, just read your last post too. How sad that someone has to pretend to live a different life than what their actual life is. Although in saying that I hope you get your photos taken off their site because this is not right at all. Good luck. Sorry this has happened especially when you should be using your energy to recover and not have to deal with this. Good luck mate.
    No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  29. Reading backwards, you've really piqued my curiosity, although I gather from comments some of your photography has been stolen. That is so infuriating when it happens to me. Best of luck in seeking to have the stolen photos removed, and please keep us up to date with the progress...


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