Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Roller Coaster Ride

Today was/is a rough day in the wild ride toward recovery from surgery.
So, I'll share these two photos and call it a day. My body is telling me to curl up and rest.
Good night and thanks so much for all the encouraging words you've shared with me.


  1. Sorry to hear it hasn't been such a great day,but prayers coming your way that tomorrow will be even a little bit better. Hugs.

  2. I've been thinking about you this week and am glad to read that you are 'okay.' Know that you're being thought of, and we're sending lots of healing vibes for you and that you're able to get that much needed rest!

  3. Good days and bad days...that is how recovery goes but you are wise to focus on the beauty and energy that surrounds you.

    Rest your body and find your center of calm. Sending positive thoughts for tomorrow.

  4. Beautiful pictures! Best wishes on your recovery.

  5. Slow and careful...just ask R!
    Do you listen to audiobooks? Just a thought. Distracting and also a pleasant way to fall asleep.

  6. We hope today is a better day for you, KB!
    Happy Valentine's Day♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  7. I hope today is a better day! The pictures are gorgeous, as always! :)

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. We've been thinking of you.

    Monty and Harlow

  9. Take whatever time you need to recover, for heaven's sake! You don't need to post every day, either -- I know that I, for one, would prefer to know you're resting and recuperating to keeping us posted on how you're doing. Good thoughts coming your way!

  10. Listen to your body! Healing vibes coming your way.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  11. Can't believe you are posting right now, but it's good to hear how things are going. One day at a time, it will get better and better ;) Happy Valentine's Day! Give the duo a smooch for us!

  12. Rest and feel better. Listen to your body.

  13. Take care. Get the rest you need.

  14. May each day bring you closer to feeling better!

  15. Take care of yourself and let nurse Shyla help you out. :)

    thinking of you.

  16. Rest well, healing will happen , maybe a little slowly, and try to do TOOO much, that Duo will be wonderful company as you snuggle with them by the fire. Each day will gradually be a little easier, pain meds, if you float away, let them do their healing and relieving as they should. Hugs and many loving thoughts, Jean.

  17. The days will soon be better. More gentle hugs from all of us.

  18. So sorry you had a tough day yesterday, KB. I hope today is better, and that things will continue to improve each day. Sending you lots of hugs and healing wishes.

    Susan and Wrigs

  19. You're wise to listen to your body. Get rest. Know that a lot of us out here care about you and are praying for you.

  20. Hi!
    Recover well now , send you a warm hug!

  21. Beautiful photos!
    We are here- right beside you,,
    its gonna be okay KB!
    Happy Valentines Day!


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