Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Where's the sunshine?

Yesterday, it was easy to live in the light because there was abundant glorious sunshine. It was cold but the sun is what my energy and mood seem to depend on.
Today was very different, as the air temperature is now below 0°F and fresh snow is falling. The forecast is for this kind of weather every day this week.
The air was bitterly cold this morning during our snowbike ride but Shyla was content to burrow into the snow. Perhaps the snow was warmer than the air?

Just to prove to you that R still leaves the house, I took his photo during our short hike this evening. It seems that he's finding the loose snow underfoot to be a little tougher on his elbow which was recently surgically cleaned out. We've backed off on his walking, limiting the distance he walks, and his limp after snoozing is less pronounced. However, he seems to be going a bit insane with so little exercise compared to his normal life.
So far, his main physical therapy has been walking and us manually stretching his elbow through its range of motion. His recovery has been a little slower than I expected, as we are approaching the 3 week mark, and we thought he might be back running short distances at the 6 week mark. I'm trying not to worry and to be patient! Not an easy thing to do...


  1. poor R. as active as your pups are, i'm sure this is really difficult for him.

  2. Hope the sun shines on you tomorrow. I suspect R will improve more rapidly in the coming weeks. Those first three weeks after surgery are certain to be slower. Here's hoping he will meet his goal of running in another three weeks.

  3. It isn't easy being patient while we heal. We agree it seems easier when there is sun and not so much gray. When my legs were healing and mom was doing therapy and range of motion and icing seemed like forever. It I do retry good now hang in here.
    Tail wags

  4. I bet R is just going crazy. But he is so blessed to have you and the Runner helping him through it all. We too are having sunless snowy days here. They say it will last through Friday. Love the photo of Shyla in the snow. Her eyes are so expressive.

  5. We had nothing but grey, sub zero days for weeks on end, and it affected all of us, human, dog and cat in a negative way. But lately we have been getting some sunshine and it is purely wonderful, it makes it easier to cope with the cold, and puts a smile on your face. Hope that is coming your way soon.
    Hugs all around,

  6. As miserable as this winter has been, I'm not surprised his recovery is a little slower. It's good to see his handsome face, though! :)

  7. It was even grey here! Ands everybody was sore - Ruby's elbow, Bart's hips, even Otto is subdued this evening!

  8. R just does not understand! But soon he will be feeling so much better!
    Shyla- oh gosh,, what a big puppy love she is!

  9. Be patient. Trying to accomplish rehab during all of the snow and uncooperative weather is like swimming in molasses. The extra effort required might be painful. R is going to get back to a good place health wise, believe.

  10. He must have cabin fever.....just wants to get out and run.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  11. I was thinking it would probably be hard to go through the rehab part in the snow...poor guy. Hope you all are feeling better. It has been so frigid!!


  12. You look absolutely beautiful surrounded by the white white snow, Shyla!
    Being patient is so hard!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  13. I completely understand the "going a bit insane" part! Jimmy and Wilson have gone through that phase and eventually gave up and resigned themselves to being couch potatoes. Now that I am slowly venturing back out, they are beyond thrilled, although my pace is much too slow for them!

    Bone health does seem to take quite a long time to return and unfortunately, our dogs can't understand the why. I hope R's recovery picks up its pace and he can hit the trails soon.

  14. I wonder if the colder weather is making recovery a little slower than anticipated?

    That looks downright frosty! My brother lives in Monument and when I checked the temps there this morning -7! I felt a little guilty for telling him it was cold here at a high of 64...

  15. Oh, poor R !! I bets that frosty weather is not helpin' at all. I'll send you some warm thoughts and healin' vibes....
    Shyla, you are just amazin'!! I would loves to roll in the snow! Hey, do some snow zoomies for me huh?!
    Ruby ♥

  16. R will recover for sure. It was a difficult job for the vets I Think. Lovely Pictures!

  17. Hi Y'all!

    It's been a tough winter everywhere for all two and four leggers.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  18. Oh my goodness! Those eyes of Shyla's just KILL me!


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