Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Colorado Dream Day

I had planned to write about Shyla's recent trips to town and how she's handling her fears - but I can't. The reason is that it was one of the most gloriously beautiful mornings in the mountains that I can remember.

I expected it to be cloudy, a holdover from our all-day snow storm yesterday, but the azure sky was cloudless. Shyla led the way almost impatiently. I'm a bit slower since my surgery and other health challenges but Shyla wanted me to hurry today!
The sky was the purest blue - the definition of a "Bluebird Sky" and the white snow pillows on the pine boughs looked beautiful against the sky.

We caught the tail-end of the sunrise light, making Shyla glow reddish. When I see her look at me like this, I melt. She is an amazingly loving dog.
We hung out in the sunshine, enjoying the day. One of my favorite places in the early morning is a plateau where we can survey meadows below us. That's what Shyla was doing as she stood on a snow-covered boulder.
It was a "spring snow" because the warm sun baked the world rapidly. Shyla was comfortable to lie in the snow, soaking up the sun rays.
She even dozed off...
In our area, snow at this time of year usually turns mushy and falls from the trees by the afternoon, so we made the most of it this morning.
We even hiked all the way up to Hug Hill, to see the beauty of springtime in the Rockies. Those are very high mountain peaks in the background. Heaven on Earth.
Eventually, it was time to head for home. Shyla led the way.
On some days in the depth of winter, when the wind is whipping the snow in our faces and it's about zero degrees or colder, I harbor secret doubts about why we live here. On days like today, I have absolutely no doubt why we live here. These glorious mountains are an idyllic home for us and our dogs.

P.S. I must thank, from the bottom of my heart, whoever anonymously nominated this blog for a BlogPaws Award. To my utter surprise (because I didn't even know we were nominated!), we are among the four finalists. Thank you so very much!


  1. oh my gosh, how magical!

  2. Such beautiful, beautiful photos. They almost make me like snow...almost

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Haven't had time to comment lately. When my Human uses her phone to read I never get to leave comments :(

    In the photo of Shyla with the mountains in the background she appears to be standing on a cloud floating among the clouds...or maybe that's just my Chessie imagination at work.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Posts like this make me wonder why I ever left Colorado. But there's no second-guessing the past, and you never know...I may end up back in the mountains one day. :)

  5. What an enchanting place! It almost doesn't look real. I would love to photograph Nola against that stunning sky; the blue would set off her red sable fur in an incredible way.

    Congrats on being a finalist! You so deserve it. :D

  6. it just looks perfect. shyla is such a gorgeous girl.

  7. What a beautiful day to capture the wonder of the Rockies. Shyla clearly loves her romps with you!


  8. Happy crazy love from your friends in Washington.
    No doubt this blog is beautiful in every way possible. getting to see Shyla in her element is icing on the cake.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  9. It is Christmas card lovely. The snow, the blue sky, and sweet Shyla.

  10. Every post is outstanding. Not one bit surprised by your honor. You are deserving,never doubt it.

  11. Ohhhh KB.... I love your blog.... your area of the world.... your dogs.... and you!

    Thank you for sharing your life with us. It has truly brightened mine!


  12. Oh my gosh! It looks too perfect to be real! I'm glad you and Shyla got out to enjoy it and share it with us.

    And posts like this are just one of the reasons you deserve the nomination! I'm not even a little surprised, and I hope you make it Las Vegas.

  13. It is a glorious day. Love that photo of the snow hanging onto Shyla's ear.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  14. I'm so glad you had a day like today. You deserve it!

  15. Beautiful! I love how the snow clings to her bell.

    Congratulations on your nomination - we saw that yesterday. :)

    Monty and Harlow

  16. Love those photos, that blue is amazing!! And congrats on being a finalist.

  17. We just love your snow-tipped ear, Shyla! Such glorious photos!
    Congratulations on your nomination, KB! Let us know if we can vote.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Great images. I am just now discovering your blog and so nice to meet you. Hope to meet you in person at the BlogPaws Conference in May!

  19. Fantastic photos. Love them. Have a nice day.

  20. We is sure dat many people nominated you fur a BlogPaws Award, your blog is amazin'!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  21. We are so thankful that Shyla lurred you out to enjoy the magnificent wonders of Mother Earth!
    The photos are spectacular,, and we thank you for taking the time to share with us-so we can all join in and appreciate the beauty too.

  22. Shyla understands your needs and right now it's taking one step at a time. Sophie was staring at me this a.m. as I catch up with you and others. I know you know the exact feeling when you look into your dog's eyes and they hold that gaze....pure magic!!


  23. So very, very beautiful!
    And congrats on your nomination/being a finalist!

  24. Wow you have a Lovely landscape over there!!
    Great Pictures!!


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