Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

A winter day - and a bobcat

Tumultuous clouds that have hovered nearby for days finally hit their mark today.
As snow plummeted out of the sky this morning, I searched for ways to procrastinate about going out into the frigid and wet air. Finally, I decided to set up a fun photo with Shyla before we started our hike. The caption could be "An idyllic day for a picnic".
After our short photoshoot, we hiked into the forest. As usual, I ended up very happy that we went for a hike. Shyla gave it a high five despite the intense weather!
When the snow let up just a tiny bit, it was gorgeous.
When the weather is so tough, I always think of our wildlife, and I marvel at how they not only survive, but actually thrive, in our world. I recently checked a faraway trail camera to find that a bobcat had posed in the snow on a 5°F night.
After he pondered the world briefly, he turned rapidly toward the pine tree behind him. It appeared as if he heard something off to the left and was ready to flee.
He was next to a bear-marking tree, although no bears have marked it for a few months now. The bobcat paused next to this important wildlife landmark, and then departed.
On cold wintery days, I feel happy that I have a warm house with a crackling fire and a wonderful pack to relax indoors for most of the day. Mr. Bobcat doesn't have that - but he doesn't seem to need it.
It was a good day, because I was able to focus on the good in my life, rather than the tougher stuff.


  1. i love shyla's eyelashes catching the snow. and that's a beauty of a bobcat!

  2. Gordon Willis, the Director of Photography for The Godfather and one of the greatest cinematographers of all time, said he put oranges in as many of the scenes as Francis Ford Coppola would allow.

    S was clearly having a great time today--hope R was okay staying home. Love your reminder that this kind of weather is lovely for the wildlife. That big kitty didn't seem to be objecting.

  3. Really liked your post and of course the picnic I. The snow, and the bobcat. Looking for the good in situations is awesome and at times hRd to do but is good.
    Take care...

  4. No need for a commercial fridge to chill the wine, nature does it all alone, that bobcat surely has an extra thick winter coat. What a wonderful day for you all, fresh snow, picnic in the park, super skies, and a fire to warm everyone up later on. Cheers, Jean.

  5. Oh cute Shyla has her little tongue sticking out. I can't believe how far up she can hold her leg to high five.

    xo Cinnamon

  6. Your photos always make snow look like fun:) That snow is arriving here now and will leave a good chunk here in OP - The Pack will be happy - me not so much. I am ready for Spring.

    Hope you are doing better each day.

  7. Lovely photographs of your winter weather. Glad you could focus on the good. That seems to be your way.

  8. Your photos always make me smile!! That last shot of S is priceless and the picnic shot is just awesome.
    Thanks for the smiles and letting us share in your winter day.

  9. I get cold just looking at that! I adore seeing all your wildlife.

  10. no sea dog but a snow dog .. ;-))
    regards Frank

  11. I love your pictures, and the one of the picnic had me laughing out loud> Your pups are such loves.

  12. your attitude will contribute to your recovery quicker than anything. And having the dogs and wildlife to focus on, has to make you feel good.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  13. We love your picnic in the snow, Shyla! Your pictures always make us smile ☺

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  14. I am glad that you were able to focus on the good! That always makes a big difference. I just love this set of pictures...the snow makes them even more beautiful!!

  15. Great picnic picture...I need to get in your frame of mind since we may get another 12" of snow tomorrow. Always enjoy the cat pics.

  16. Now that really is some chilled wine! Super photos!!!

  17. MOM says a picnic in the snow is one of the beautiful things in life. High five right back at Shyla.

  18. fun series of beautiful photos.
    it is snowing here as well, winter is still full on.

    love your bob cat photos, it sure looks fluffed up in it's winter coat.

  19. Ya, picnic weather for sure. LOL

  20. Hi! Beautiful Pictures. The first one is Amazing! What a Lovely area you live in.
    We had very misty wheather today...not good for photo. Visit from a Young couple who are interested in a puppy. They are just such buyers we want.
    Love Majsan//

  21. We were at Estes for the weekend and it was cold. In fact, a lady who worked for the condos fell on the icy parking lot and broke her leg. It was pretty nasty out most of the time; we came home to sunshine though. My knee has been bothering me so we didn't even go snowshoeing.
    Love that you embrace being outside despite what the weather is doing.

  22. Your nose is all crumpled up! Very cute!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. That last picture is perfect! The bobcat is beautiful. We occasionally get some wildlife on our back patio and I always feel bad for them when I'm inside and they are out in our 5 degree weather. I think we got your snowstorm today. It doesn't look quite like yours though.

  24. Ahahaha!! Picnic photo is the best!

    Some people actually barbecue in the snow. You ever do that?

  25. While I love the snow photos, that last one just touched me!!! I can almost feel the warmth from Shyla and R!!


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