Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Hopeful Signs

Spring has been flitting in and out of our lives. I've seen Mountain Bluebirds most days recently.
But the mornings are still very cold when Shyla and I are out at sunrise. Without mittens, my fingers get numb.
But, as the sun comes up, I rapidly start shedding layers of warm clothes. The sun is so strong and warm these days!
Soon, the golden grass from last summer will be infiltrated by green shoots.
I'm so grateful for the tiny signs of spring that are helping my spirits so much.
With the emotional help of my pups and family plus the hope of spring, I think I'll get past this bad phase at some point, although it might not be a quick fix.
I'm sorry that, on some days, I simply am not able to comment on my favorite blogs. I truly hope to be back to my normal level of health and energy soon.


  1. I love the bluebirds. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Don't worry about comments! Just take care and feel better!

  3. i think you're doing incredibly well to keep hiking with shyla, taking photos, sharing beauty with us in your posts. we completely understand that making rounds in blogland might not all fit in with how well you're feeling. no worries.

    your mountain bluebirds are beautiful!

  4. Take care of yourself, and know that from my corner in Virginia, I'm sending good vibes!


  5. Sending healing vibes from Seattle. Hey the sun came out here today too!
    Be well and take care of you.

    Linda & Cinnamon

  6. You know that we don't worry about you commenting as much as you worry about it, right? No worries! We just want you to feel better!

  7. Saw a bluebird just up the hill from your place on my way home tonite....seems early, but it made me smile. Also our neighborhood red tail is back in action....the signs are here!
    I hope you're feeling better, rough start to 2014hopefully we'll all be healed for the warm weather!

  8. It is those glimmers of hope that keep us going.

  9. Just take it easy and enjoy the spring. We want you to enjoy yourself as much as possible.

  10. THE most important thing is you, your physical well-being, your mental well-being (as you deal with this latest health issue), and the time you spend with all those under your roof. Get well soon, dear friend, and whenever you are able to post to your blog, *that* will be your "comment" for all of us... and we will be most grateful for it.

    Love you, KB!!

    Blessings~ Andrea

  11. Spring has finally come! Baby animals will be showing up soon. Hope to see some photos of them.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  12. Don't worry about the comments, KB. We want you to feel better!
    The mountain bluebird is just gorgeous!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  13. What a lovely bluebird. Not too many signs of spring out here ...but hopefully soon.

    Ruby (and Angel Pip)

  14. We just love that picture of Shyla peeking around the tree! (Of course, we always love all of your pictures but today that is our favorite.)

    We're glad you're doing better and are able to be outside doing what you love best. Keep up the good recovery and you'll be back to 100% in no time.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  15. Just happy to hear from you anywhere at all, KB! Most important to take care of yourself. And that includes Shyla Therapy! Enjoy those mornings :)

  16. Spring, like dogs, is a great healer5 !

  17. We love looking for and seeing the signs too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Take care of yourself. I have been suffering with the end of winter blahs, not made better by the 15 cm of snow that is falling today. The bird is beautiful!

  19. Love, love, LOVE the Mountain Bluebirds! And of course Shyla! :)

  20. Hi! Lovely Little bird. You hang around when you can and when you want. Blogging must be no MUST....

  21. Oh, Ma is oooooooin' and awwwwwwwin' at your pics!! I likes the ones of you Shyla! I loves your action shots!
    I sure hopes your Moms feels better soon....don't worry abouts the bloggies...just snuggle with your Moms and I'm sure that will help tons!!!
    Ruby ♥♥

  22. I know Shyla is taking good care of you. Rest and get well!

    Anne and Sasha

  23. What beautiful birds! Even when you don't comment, you always bring us a smile with your wonderful photos. Thank you!

  24. Great photos! Don't worry about visiting us, just take care of yourself.


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