Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Serene Sunday

The juxtaposition of winter and spring continues into May here in the mountains. These days, frost stays on the grass until the sun finally touches it in the morning.
But the sun is strong and warm, inviting us to linger in its comforting rays.
The birds are chirping and singing in the treetops almost every morning now.
I love my morning outings with Shyla. Since my surgery, we've been hiking rather than biking. But, despite my other health issues, my shoulder has continued to heal at warp speed, and I'll soon be able to ride on the trails with her again.
That will be a very happy day!


  1. beautiful shyla and perfectly plucky little nuthatch!

  2. The glimmer of spring is truly in the air! I'm sure you both can't wait for warmer days :)

  3. Kb, I am overjoyed that you will soon be on the trail with your bike.

  4. We're happy you'll be up and on your bike soon. But probably with all the elk around, it's better you're hiking so you can keep Shyla close.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  5. I'm glad your shoulder is healing so fast! And that spring is here for you.

  6. We had a day like that today - a dusting of snow overnight, then a cool day in the 30s with warm sunshine. It made for great walking weather for us and the pups. Glad to hear the shoulder is doing so well. We know how much you miss your riding.

    Hope your have a good week.

  7. Love that frosty photo. And the cute bird, love a cute bird.

  8. Hi KB , doesn't it just feel wonderful to be out in the sun shine and watching Shyla be so happy!!

  9. We will all jump for joy when that day comes, that you can ride the bike, KB! I think Shyla will be jumping higher than any of us tho. *haha* On second thought, I dunno... I think she's just happy to have you with her no matter what you two are doing... hiking or biking or even snoozing! :)


  10. Oh, those are just amazin' photos!! I can't wait til you can ride again, butts enjoy the spring at 'hiking speed'!
    Ruby ♥

  11. Bless you for getting your mom out every day, Shyla! Your photos are always so perfect, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. I always know when spring is close....the bird calls have a special sound as it nears.

    Glad your shoulder is doing so well. Here's to bike rides in the near future!

  13. Your labs are beautiful! I enjoyed looking at some of your trail camera images of mountain lions. My husband and I live in a valley in the foothills, where a rare mountain lion can be spotted --more often coyotes and bears are seen.

  14. Hi! Beautiful Pictures. We are in Austria for skiing, yes a lot of snow came.
    Learnt today from our friends who are staying with our dogs that it was a dogfight between Trym and Konjak. We have a very calm pack and it never happend Before...unfortunately it happend when we are on holiday.

  15. YEA for shoulder-healing! :)
    It was nice here - in the 60s, warm, sunny ... then this morning we got 4" or more of snow. Kansas in the Springtime - you just never know what's going to happen!

  16. We is STILL waitin' fur warmer spring days to come to our house but glad you has dem. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max


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