Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 17, 2014


I took Shyla to town today, after skipping it last week. Last week, she was stressed out by having to wear socks around the house to protect her paw injuries. Having her be nervous before we even drove to town would have been a recipe for Shyla's fears to run rampant when she tried to navigate the bustle of town.
By waiting until she'd left the sock fiasco behind her, she had a fairly relaxed time in town today.

I'm learning, slowly but surely, how to handle a sensitive girl like Shyla. On days when she's nervous already, due to sock-wearing or other things, it's much better not to ask her to do something that might make her even more stressed out. Combining scary things is called "trigger-stacking" in training lingo - and it's to be avoided.
It's ironic that the same term, "trigger-stacking", is used when talking about things that cause migraines. I still have a horrendous headache today so this post will be short. I'm not feeling like I can last much longer with this level of pain. I made some appointments to try to get help soon.

Now, I'm going to lie down with my pups, including the cute brown-noser named Shyla.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Wow, what great close shots! Sorry the headaches are back. That must be a dreadful thing to have to deal with on such a regular basis. Wonder why they can't figure out a sure fire way to get rid of them! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Your O'Doodle Pals,

    McMurphy & McStanley

  2. really sorry about the continued migraine pain. i do hope someone can give you relief!

  3. I want to give that snout a smooch!


  4. Happy St Patrick's Day.
    Hoping that your migraines will go away.

    xo Cinnamon

  5. So hoping you find relief soon!

  6. I'm so glad Shlya has you for an owner. The level of attention and patience you give her issues is incredible.

    I hope you can find some answers and help for the pain!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  7. I sure hope you can get help with the migraines!

  8. Wishing you the best of luck with the doctors. Hang in there!! Please discuss all possibilities with them - here are two interesting things I've come across:



  9. You must stop your rigger-stacking! Be conscious of your own triggers.

  10. So sorry to hear that the migraines are getting so bad. Hope the doctor has some resolution for you - you so deserve a break.

  11. Not a recommendation but simply reporting: our timid young lady settles down very well with a Thundershirt (thundershirt.com).

    This mornings she was pacing about, clinging, on alert sitting with me as I prepared grapefruit, no reason a mere human like me could detect. I offered her Thundershirt to her and she sat right down in front of me to have it put on.

    Then went over and laid quietly on her blanket.

  12. Hope you can get all your triggers avoided.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  13. How wonderful to see the improvement in Shyla. Kudos to you and the runner. And I'm sure R helped as well. I do hope you will continue to search until you find the answer to the migraines. Meanwhile we still send positive energy from here.

  14. Interesting term, trigger-stacking. I never heard it before but thinking back on therapy visits, that may be why Toby's nervousness escalated. Hope you get some help for the headaches soon, it must be hard to continue daily activities at all. Very brave of you to keep up with your dogs, photography, blogging, etc.

  15. The 'stacking' was a new term to me when we were evaluating Sunny, and with him, I have to be very careful about what I can and can't do with him, he's a dog that also can't handle a lot of stress. However, he's gotten better, and I'm glad that Shyla has too, and I'm sending good vibes that you will feel better too!

  16. You go girl
    Happy St. Patrick's Day
    Lily & Edward

  17. Crap!!! Feel better and take care of yourself.

  18. Happy St Patrick's day to you! I am now off to research "trigger stacking"

  19. I love these shots of her and I think you've made incredible progress for her. I have my fingers crossed that you get some relief soon!

  20. KB, the close up photos are so beautiful! And were so grateful to you for sharing.,....... but now its time for you----!
    We are so concerned about you...
    please make some dr appts,,, so you can get better and get help!
    You must!
    We love you
    tweedles and moms

  21. May that green "Four Leaf Clover" pass some magic onto you, and the medical people, so the migraines will get sorted. Close ups are glorious. Rest up, hugs in huge supply from Jean.

  22. We sure hope these migraines hit the road for you soon, KB. Love the close-ups, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  23. i so sorry about the migraines. a friend of mine had chronic migraines throughout grad school. she went with me to bikram yoga and it helped her. i dont know if you have "hot" yoga or can do it with your back and shoulder. sending positive and healing thoughts your way. :-)

  24. I sure hate that those migraines are hurting you so much.

  25. I've been behind on blogging due to traveling for work - I didn't realize Shyla had hurt her paws. I hope you both feel better soon.

    Monty and Harlow

  26. That's a cool toy!

    Stop on by for a visit

  27. What a perfect nose!

    All fingers and paws crossed that you can get some viable help for those migraines.

  28. A *gentle hug* from me to you, KB. I am so sorry about those migraines... and I am praying you will find relief very soon. At one of those appointments, an answer WILL be found. I am confident of that... and I hope you are too.

    Will be watching your blog for further news... and will be storming heaven on your behalf.

    Most sincerely~ Andrea

  29. PS~ Could it be a pinched nerve from your shoulder surgery? Or a muscle or tendon that is getting tugged in a way it shouldn't, as a result from the surgery? Just some thoughts (which you've probably already thought of & which probably add to the confusion! *sigh* I wish I could DO something to help you!!)

  30. Sorry you're not feeling well. I've been hearing about lots of people with migraines right now...hmmm.

  31. I'm so sorry!!
    I may have mentioned this before, but maybe not because it sounds kind of disgusting...
    the only thing that has ever budged a serious migraine for me is to either LET myself vomit (if I'm very nauseated by pain and I have something in my stomach) or to MAKE myself retch a few times (like dry heaves). The simplest way for me is to tickle the back of my throat with a blade of grass, but I am so sensitive to the feeling (I often gag when brushing my teeth) all I really have to do it think about something touching the back of my throat, and I retch.
    It isn't pleasant, and I never WANT to do it, but when the pain is sickening and won't quit...eventually, I do it.
    I don't know why it works, but I think there is something about the involuntary muscle contractions that interrupts the migraine. First I notice that it has stopped getting worse, then the pain level drops and goes away. I'm left with what I think of as a fragile, "cracked eggshell" feeling in my skull, but the pain stops. The pain stops!
    I don't know if it works for other people, but just in case!

  32. It's like the spoon theory! There are only so many spoons available at any given time, and once they're used up they're gone! I'm glad Shyla has you. :)


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