Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 11, 2014

See Beautiful: Fleeting Spring

It's springtime for now. Let your ears go wild and enjoy it!
Kick up your heels and have some fun in the warm sun!
Turn your face toward the sun, close your eyes in ecstasy, and absorb its warm rays.
Lie on the ground and admire every detail of the delicate flowers that have dared to blossom already.
Even gaze at the tiny Spring Beauties that are barely visible in the meadows. They are miniature gems.
I truly mean to do this today because, on Sunday, it will be snowing again. Such is springtime in the mountains. I love it all, springtime and snow.


  1. It looks so beautiful there! Colorado is one of my favorite places - so full of life! Hopefully the snow doesn't stick around too long.

  2. Fleeting moments contain some of life's most precious times. Enjoy, Love every photo today!! Cheers, Jean.

  3. Such a beautiful place you live in!

  4. What beautiful images today! I would be soaking it all up, too!

  5. such lovely shots! enjoy it while it lasts, then!

  6. Such cute pictures!!

  7. That's what we're talking about!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Great post!!! We wouldn't mind a bit of Spring snow, but we are waiting on another round of rain and potentially severe weather. Enjoy the weekend with its range of weather:)

  9. Great pix! Its getting springy here and I really hope there is no more snow until mid-November,2014!

    You enjoy what you get! I love the kicking up her heels Shyla did!


  10. Such overwhelming joy in this one.

  11. Just seeing you enjoy Spring made my day. Thank you

    Anne and Sasha

  12. Love that kick up your heels shot... You've just got to enjoy Spring when you get it.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  13. Yes, springtime in the Rockies! I'm glad today was so glorious for you.

    I used two photos from Wednesday's post over at Cheerful Monk yesterday. They certainly are better than my efforts!

  14. We love you kickin' up your heels, Shyla! The flowers are just gorgeous, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Love, love, love it!!! Ears to a great weekend!

  16. Love the kicking up the heels!
    We still have too much snow for flowers yet and more snow is in the forecast, ugh!

  17. I would love to be able to do that with my ears!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. you are an awesome photographer! love the paws to the sky. i learned recently that spring beauties are also called Fairy Spuds, you might have to look that one up ;-), I did.

    still no flowers here, but spring, though hailing is in the air.

  19. These pictures are so awesome!!! I love them, especially the second one. I hope the new snow won't stay around for too long.


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