Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Peaceful Morning

All was peaceful on our morning hike today - the wind, Shyla's spirit, and my spirit. You can see from the lighting in these photos that a dark storm hung over the Continental Divide while the sun shined on us. The lighting in our neck of the woods was mysterious and dramatic.
Shyla was back to her normal self, full of energy and mischief. My post yesterday reminded me of something about K. Her thyroid produced progressively less hormone over her lifetime, as it withered from an autoimmune disease. I could always tell when her thyroid levels had dipped too low because she'd become very cautious about benign things, like the cracks between the boards of our deck. Increasing her thyroid supplement would completely eradicate her irrational worries. So, it's always worth considering that a pup might have a medical issue when they behave differently from usual.

Since Shyla was back to normal today, that is not a concern, thank goodness. I suspect that the whipping wind yesterday was a big factor in her fear yesterday, as several of you suggested.
Shyla wanted to run today. We practiced recalls when she was full of high octane energy.
After a little while, we headed toward a snow-covered north-facing slope that I've been checking for bear tracks over the past few weeks. It's tough hiking there, except in the early morning when I can walk on the snow crust. When I fall through the crust, the snow is up to mid-thigh!

The bears have stirred this early in the past - but the early risers never come into areas where humans hike until much later in the spring. We haven't seen any bear tracks yet - but I am looking forward to it. Bears are my favorite animals in our forest.

At the end of our hike, Shyla and I both gave thanks for a nice morning spent together. We both love exploring nature - making us a perfect pair!


  1. she is SUCH a doll! so glad all was good today!

  2. Glad today was a good day! I absolutely love that last photo. The depth of field is incredible!

  3. I'm so glad all is normal in your neck of the woods.

  4. Oh, that last picture! I would be helpless to resist giving her anything she wanted with that face.

    I'm looking forward to your spring bear posts. I was thinking about you last weekend when we went to the movies. Disney is putting out a movie about a mother bear named Sky and her two cubs on Earth Day. I have a feeling that it's going to be a really sweet movie!

  5. Shyla, I am so glad that you felt more like your old self today!
    I can tell by looking at you- that you felt happy!

  6. Isn't it amazing that there is more to dogs than just eating and sleeping? That they are I dare say as complex and emotional as humans and yet that so hard for so many to believe.

    Glad Shyla's day was better today. Yesterday fear may have been a combo of scents with the wind blowing so hard to trigger her fears. Wouldn't it be nice to have their noses?

    Hope you are feeling better too! :)

  7. Glad to here you both had a good day.


  8. Once again I stand in awe of your beautiful model and your incredible photography skills.
    BEAUTIFUL soulful shots today.

  9. I am happy to see that she is back to her normal self. maybe she was just having an off day. I know I do from time to time.

  10. We are only just beginning to scientifically document the complexity of canine emotions and the discoveries have been humbling to the human perspective that we are the only creatures with higher order emotion thinking. Glad Shyla's funkiness has passed.

  11. A good reminder about dog behaviour affected by conditions. Sometimes those changes happen so gradually, it's hard to notice.

    XXXOOo Bella & Roxy

  12. She is just adorable! Thanks again for warming my heart.

  13. That last photo is our favorite! You are such a beauty, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  14. Who can resist a play bowing dog?
    That is a good reminder to think about medical reasons for strange behaviors.

  15. We're glad you are back to yourself Shyla.. No need to get the woman worried
    Lily & Edward

  16. Let's hear it for good days!!!
    Shyla is so remarkably beautiful!

  17. Love the action shots of Shyla. I've been wondering about our bears, too - no signs yet on the trails. Snow just keeps falling here in the mountains!

  18. Hooray for good days and for great photos!

  19. Great Pictures. We had a great day today with sun. Our dog where out all day....

  20. WOW oh wow oh wow. Look at those piercing eyes!


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