Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Easter Bunny and the Bobcat

Shyla was watching for the Easter Bunny very early this morning while hiding under the pine trees.

 She used her nose too, trying to sniff him out.
It turned out that he'd come in the middle of the night.
But there was a BIG problem. Mr. Bobcat was watching for him too.
Since the Easter Bunny did his job, delivering goodies, we assume he eluded Mr. Bobcat.
Thank goodness!


  1. Maybe Mr Bobcat thought the bunny WAS the Easter treat....

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  2. If I was the Easter Bunny I would make sure to leave Mr. Bobcat a little something extra special to persuade him to leave me alone. Happy Easter. Hope the Easter Bunny lives to hop another day.

  3. I hope Bunny hopped away safely, left some goodies, and Mr Bobcat enjoyed his day too. As always, Shyla is Model #1, superb photos close-up. Easter Hugs to you, Jean. XX

  4. Hope the Bunny managed to get away from the bobcat.....Great capture of both

  5. Yes...thank goodness! I was a little worried there FUR a minute!


    Wishing you a very Happy and Blessed Easter.

  6. That was a close one for the Easter Bunny. Shyla's expression in that last picture is like, "Oh crap...the Easter Bunny was almost bobcat food!"

  7. We are sure glad he is a magical bunny to get to avoid the bobcat! Happy Easter!

  8. That is one lucky Easter Bunny!
    Happy Easter!

  9. Oh my word! The real Easter bunny.
    Hoppy Easter
    Lily & Edward

  10. I hope he eluded the Bobcat, but such is nature!

  11. You tell a great story! It helps that Shyla and the bunny cooperated. :)

  12. We're hoping that this story had a happy ending and we're going to go with that thought!
    We hope that all of you had a very happy Easter ☺

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Mitch

  13. The bunny was a 'basket of goodies' to the bobcat - still glad he got away tho!
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  14. Gotta be a quick bunny in your neck of the woods.

  15. I wonder what the bobcat got for Easter?

  16. OMD, you got an actual picture of ol' EB! Grreat job!! And of course he could get away for a silly old bobcat. He's magic!

  17. Pshew...sounds like Mr Bunny made a clean get-away! Glad you were on the lookout, Shyla!

  18. Well, there's bunnies that are nom-nom delicious. And then there's the EASTER Bunny! Lets not get them confused, mr. bob cat!

  19. That was a close one for the Easter Bunny! I hope you all had a Happy Hoppy Easter.

    Anne and Sasha

  20. A new perspective on "Easter Bunny"...kind of like "Thanksgiving Turkey"!


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