Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Rolling Mountain Lion!

On 4/21, multiple mountain lions patrolled our forest. After carefully examining the photos, I am certain that this is a very large and tough male lion, while the other lion that I posted about on Friday was a smaller lion (I'm not sure of its sex). This guy put on quite a show.

He arrived and immediate sniffed the spot that a lion marked back in February.
The smell seemed to mesmerize him. Then, he decided to roll on the marking spot.
In mid-roll...
Then he was fully on his back. Ahem (trying to be delicate) - perhaps you can see how I know that he's a male.
After rolling, he sat and peered out into the forest. There is a commonly used deer and elk trail where he's staring.
I was stunned by that series of photos. What a strong and big lion he is!

So, in the Rocky Mountains, we have fierce wildlife along side our glorious wildflowers.
And, the mountain lions are also co-mingling with us humans and our dogs, although we humans rarely know it. It truly pays to spend the time to train your dog if you live here.
It also pays to learn how to "read" their signals so you're somewhat aware of what animals are around you.
And you can hide behind a tree with them, if needed!


  1. I always love your big cat pictures, KB! And it's a real tribute to your training that both your dogs are so reliable, especially when surrounded by what must be an intoxicating bouquet of wildlife aromas!

  2. Photos are superb, and words fail for photos of the Duo, yes indeed, take shelter behind them, and then behind a huge tree if need be. Lovely flowers, do hope you are feeling as bright as the blooms. Hugs to all, Jean

  3. How do you train your dog to ignore a mountain lion? I can't even get mine to ignore a fox!

  4. Such magnificent photos! He is a beauty. And of course, the duo look as gorgeous as ever. I hope you are feeling ok :0)

  5. hide behind a tree. teehee. :)

    LOVE the big lion photos!

  6. Great photos! He's a big boy for sure!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Now that's really romping and rolling in the Rockies.

  8. I continue to be amazed by your pictures. Thank you!

  9. This cat is magnificent! Such power and beauty; just glad he isn't up close and personal. We are loving the weather here down below; wonder if your snow is all gone now.
    Have a great week.

  10. He's huge. Perhaps the father of some cube.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  11. LOL...When in doubt, hide behind a tree!

    Wonderful shots! You can see how muscular he is!

  12. Wow,, those are spectacular cat photos! We agree about what you said on training your dogs!! For sure!

  13. What an awesome cat. Love the rich color of his fur. Simply beautiful.

  14. Wow - that is one big kitty! Your wildflowers are just beautiful!

  15. What a magnificent specimen that mountain lion is! A joy to behold.

  16. Hide behind a tree?? Are you kidding, we'd never leave the house seeing that lion in our yard. Mr. lion sure does have some mighty large paws!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  17. What awesome, clear pictures of the mountain lion. They are such majestic creatures!

  18. Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures.

  19. Those are ALL such amazing photos!

  20. Awsome Pictures of the lion. Very good Pictures, good trial camera you have

  21. Delightful! LOVE the robust lion there. Will you be naming him?


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